
6 Reviews
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The greatest piece of fiction that ever graced humanity's grasp.
26 September 2024
Wow. What a show. This show changed my life from something I thought was boring, dull, lame. This show changed my perspective of life like how I never imagined. It changed the dynamics, the relationships, the ideal reality I wanted to be in, it helped me reached that pure and sophisticated level. I have no other words to say other than this show is just perfect, simply perfect, every single detail , every single letter spoken, every single piece of editing, every single pixel, frame, just perfect. The dialogue is simply nothing short of exquisite and ideally the best we, us, humans have ever seen. I also predict aliens would enjoy such fine pieces of content like this. The text they use, the title, the acting , the script, the words spoken out of their mouths is even to send a shiver down anyone's, and anything's spine. The sheer level of peakness this podcast reached was nothing alike. Compare this to any worldwide event, fiction, u think of, and it does not come close to this magnificent being. My mind was ventured of to the unknown into a different realm thinking on how to improve this show but I just can't. My whole life, it changed. I became a man, I now have a family. What was once before a lonely juman was now a purified successful man living a happy life with a great enjoyable family. I love this show, and I will dedicate my life to it.

Thank you- TalkTuahLover69.
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Huge improvment
24 May 2024
Wow. Just wow. This series has really captured my imagination on what dinosaurs and humans would do together since dominion didn't do that. This film also had many good dino fights and animated clips which were astonishing and extremely thrilling throughout the entire journey that were made out of joyful experiences with pure and raw excitement . This is a huge step up from camp Cretaceous season 5 and dominion. Good show and I hope they keep this running. There don't need to be any improvements just mainly improve the side human characters. The only reason this ain't a ten because it lacks the interest of human characters (side characters) which adds a dull factor into this review. However, overall, it is really good and a well received 9/10.
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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (2018 Video Game)
Not an Assassins game but the hate is undeserved
8 July 2023
Many people hate on odyssey and call it "One of the worst Assassin creed games" well, it certainly dosent match the assassin theme but it is a very good game. It has a huge map, decent graphics, and a long game with tons of exploration. This game demonstrates Greek mythology in a fun way. It gives you the chance to explore many island with different terrain and nature in it. You can also explore in the sea with ships and battle other ships which I think is a fun idea. It also has some bit of assassins things in it. Like the parkour and neat assassinations. The only bad thing is that the enemy's might be very hard to kill in certain missions. They could be 5 levels above you so it could take you a lot of time to level up to actually finish that mission. But besides that, this game lets you decide choices that will impact the game permanently. The ending is decisive as well. Decisive games will make it fun and it can give u multiple ideas on what can happen based on what you chose. Overall, I recommend these games for people that love greek mythology or spartans.
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Prehistoric Planet (2022–2023)
6 August 2022
This documentary is the most accurate and realistic documentary, this man only is speaking facts and the animations are spectacular. It is truly amazing to see scientific accurate dinosaurs and what they used to do in their daily life. I have been more attached to this documentary whenever I finished an episode. Truly amazing, I recommend it.
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Jurassic World Evolution 2 (2021 Video Game)
Amazing game and huge improvement!
1 July 2022
This game is my favorite game! The difference between this game and the first one is amazing! So many new and useful features. I 100% recommend this game. And the new creatures here are amazing! And the content there is by far the best part about this game. Fun, enjoying and entertaining. THE ANIMATIONS IN THIS GAME IS SPECTACULAR TOO!! Get this game, it is so entertaining!
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1 July 2022
I don't know why this movie is receiving a bunch of negative ratings. In my opinion this movie is spectacular and amazing! Best cgi by far in the franchise. Amazing action and I absolutely loved the dinosaurs!
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