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Raised by Wolves (2020)
Started out strong. But, by the the final episode, the characters were mimicking the plot, just wandering around a dark forest, trying to tie up a seemingly infinite number of loose ends while creating even more along the way. I don't see how they're going to continue unless it takes on the veneer of a phantasmagorical fever dream. I'm not looking forward to season two. This had so many possibilities. Unfortunately, it took all of them.
The Journey (2014)
A beautiful, thoughtful meditation on grief, beauty, life and love.
I was lucky enough to see this film at the St. Tropez Film Festival where Lance Nielsen won Best Directing honors -- and I see why. What he has accomplished is so subtle -- so beautiful -- and, for me, so timely and insightful -- that it's nothing short of magic. I came to this beautiful story at a time of transition and loss. The stories of loss juxtaposed against the eternal beauty of the Greek landscape -- giving the characters and us time to explore what grief means -- and how we find the strength to move on -- to embrace life again -- was so powerful and cathartic. It is one of those films I could watch over and over again and get something powerful out of every time I watch it. A masterpiece!
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Saw Inglorious Basterds last night and I thought it was spectacular! The epic sweep -- the revisionist history -- the whole thing. Just loved it! There hasn't been a climax like that since "Day of the Locusts." I thought Brad Pitt was just terrific. He has a real talent of comedic roles -- a real actors' actor -- a leading man who tackles character roles with gusto and finesse. My major concerns were dramaturgical -- too many scenes depended on someone or something being "discovered" for their dramatic tension -- so much so that it got a little boring and predictably tense. And, I don't know if the Nazi everyone is going crazy over could have lived up to the hype and I wasn't in love with the casting for Shoshona -- but, it all pales in the full experience. I thought it was a great movie. And I wasn't expecting to like it at all -- I really liked Jackie Brown -- and wasn't so hot on Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill.