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IMDb member since December 2006
Süper Baba (1993)
father is super, and the others in the same town as well
30 January 2007 - 7 out of 9 users found this review helpful.
people are all living together and they know how to do this in this movie.the only thing that we have to realize is that we need each others. all men loves their children as a father and want to grow them up properly.meanwhile they want to live their own life ,to be in love , spend time with friends.sometimes there may be undesired situations , death,spiting up,moving to an other places, fighting for just a little unimportant thing or thought. but at the end all these bad situations are going to disappear. This mean , they do not live alone but in a community which includes all of us as i said before we need this. during this movie you can see this communication from the beginning to the end.
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