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Night of the Dead: Leben Tod (2006)
I'm a horror fan - rented this movie - simply terrible.
Other people have posted reviews and have stated "beware of those who give this movie a low rating because they have some kind of ax to grind or they're jealous, etc." Well I'm here to say I knew nothing about this film when I picked it up at the local rental store, knew nothing of it's director or producer, anything at all. The cover looked interesting! I'm a bad horror film 'em. Re-Animator being one of the best! This film compares itself to that wonderful piece of shlock, and "Night of the Dead by Eric Forsberg" is so far from being comparable, I don't even know how to put it into words. I joined up to IMDb in order to write this review -- that's how bad this film is. I can not recommend this film at all, the story is weak, the camera work is terrible and looks like a home movie, and the acting?... shameful. Sorry guys but this is one horror film fan that is very disappointed. You did get me to rent it though, with your packaging and enticing text... congrats on your marketing! Maybe you should try that field and leave film-making to the professionals.