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Us (2019)
What was the big fuss over this movie? Get out was a good movie, US was NOT. Yes it was shot well and the score was decent. but the movie itself was NOT good at all. a Masterpiece? Not even close.. The Shining was a Masterpiece, learn your differences
No Clowning Around (2012)
No Clowning Around has ARRIVED!
No Clowning Around is Brilliantly written and directed. Going into the movie and the hype surrounding it I was extremely excited about it. When I watched the movie it left me wanting more and more. Rob Dimension and Matthew Burd came through in a HUGE way! Rob's acting is superb and gives you the feel of a real life moment that certain people go through in life and Matthew Burd's Cinematography is AMAZING! all in all. Fans of Grindhouse-Esq films need to take a look at this film as it delivers on every aspect fans of Horror, Comedy and Drama will love the treat delivered to them. I give this film a sincere rating of 10/10. My only quarrel is that I wish it was full length. But in general the movie is SUPERB! The acting of Rob Dimension, Kim Dimension and Steve Corino make it worth while!
The Orphan Killer (2011)
A Breath of fresh air!
Regardless of what some may say on this review unless you truly know the horror genre? please stick to your remakes and thinking movies like Insidious was scary please. Matt Farnsworth is the man at the helm of this Tour de Force slasher film.. Say what you want about this film, The Orphan Killer has substance and plenty of violence led by David Backus and Diane Foster-Farnsworth..The story is a in your face story with no confusion behind it. People whom downgraded this movie are the same people who critiqued Insidious,Paranormal Activity and Don't be afraid of the Dark to name a few, And gave those movies HIGH GRADES???...Lesson to be learned if you think that is horror? need a reality check..I'm not going to sit here and spoil the movie I am here to simply give a review. The Orphan Killer is a hit you hard over the top blood fest in which it's story behind it stands for the reason why there is so much bloodshed..David Backus is a force to be reckoned in years to come with the style of his mask in the movie and his demeanor he has what it takes to take TOK to new heights. Diane Foster-Farnsworth as well delivers a stellar performance and the scares that they deliver together are well complimented...I HIGHLY recommend this movie to TRUE horror fans..Not no Insidious/Paranormal Activity parasites
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)
first of all ..people who say the acting sucked..better look back..
To the people who thought the acting sucked? Trust me it didn't. The reason why this movie never made it to the theatres was because it was disturbing because it's actual footage from a town on Poughkeepsie Ny, a place about 20 minutes away from where I live. The news stories surrounding this terror people lived were actual footage from channel 5 and 2..DO YOURSELF A FAVOR..DON'T CRITIQUE THE ACTING WHEN PARTS OF IT WERE ACTUALLY REAL...I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS! google the Poughkeepsie killings back in 2001 and earlier when the actual tapes were found. Seriously this director knew what he was doing in this because he has friends that lived through this. Berate it all you want! like I your history before critiquing the acting being HORRIBLE,AVERAGE or SO SO.
Scream 4 (2011)
Not even Close to good!
I didn't like this movie at all! there was nothing clever about this movie. Every scream movie after part 1 obviously whenever they introduce a new character it turns out to be the killer. Part 4 was so offline and Unbelievable it was sickening. You have 2 scrawny kids but you have a 6 foot killer. The whole family thing is played out and the creepy film student (ie: Mickey from part 2) was done before. If they wanted shock and awe they would have made one of the originals the killer. This movie is seriously flawed. Blame Dimension films? Blame Wes? Blame Kevin Williamson? I say Blame all of the above. People wanted to see another scream because it was a slasher movie and missed hearing the killer's voice, PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Scream 4 was not as bad as 3 was.but it was not better than 2 or 1 at all. If there is a Scream 5 which I hope there isn't. Wes should put this one to rest. Or if there is one? make a whole new cast up start it fresh. Have Sydney and all the regulars die at the beginning to give it a fresh start. Until then SCREAM 5 doesn't need to happen and I'm hoping it doesn't happen.