You Don't Know Jack (2010)
Tour de force acting by Pacino a must-see
I've seen "You Don't Know Jack" twice now and will certainly watch it several times more with friends coming to watch my DVR HD recording of this HBO TV movie. It's not easy to watch the harrowing scenes of terminal patients in great distress. But with an outstandingly intelligent script, first-class cinematography and stellar performances by all the actors it becomes compelling viewing. Like Marion Cotillard's portrayal of Edith Piaf in "La Vie en Rose", Pacino's incredible performance will leave us with the feeling that he has indeed become Dr Kevorkian for us. His powerful acting gains pace as the movie progresses until the final dramatic courtroom scenes end the remarkable story of a pioneer eccentric's human rights obsession. While overtly sympathetic to Kevorkian, all sides of the arguments for or against assisted suicide are fairly presented and leave one thinking about the subject for days. In addition to Pacino's tour de force role I think that Barry Levinson's inspired direction brings this movie to masterpiece status. I hope it will be released on DVD soon so that a much wider audience can see it.
WWII in HD (2009)
Riveting Viewing
Having seen the 1970's World At War series plus many other WWII old color documentaries I was not expecting much new in WWII in HD. Much to my surprise I found the entire series absolutely compelling and I watched it all in one day recorded off the TV. It is so much more than just restored old color movie clips (that are very far from HD quality). The story-telling around a number of real-life American war veterans, including recent interviews with them, brings the five year history of the US role in WWII into fresh focus today. The role of Allied military forces is barely covered, however, furthering the misconception that the US alone won the war. Although the story jumps between war theaters around the world the brilliant editing shocks the senses with scene after scene of the horrifying cruelty inflicted on soldiers and civilians throughout the world. Graphic footage of blasted bodies and wounded children is very hard to watch but the end result is the most effective anti-war film I have ever seen. The fanatical resistance of the Japanese military plus their diabolical cruelty caused tens of thousands of US soldiers to die in epic battles on small Pacific islands. Now I understand better why Truman decided to drop the atomic bombs rather than risk up to a million more US soldier deaths in an invasion of the Japanese mainland (I just wish he had given civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki a few hours to evacuate beforehand). The combination of actual color footage plus unique editing makes this series a must-see even if it takes nearly eight hours to watch. Very highly recommended.
The Invasion (2007)
Boring Drivel
Mindful of Daniel Craig's fine performance in "Casino Royale" and Nicole Kidman's in "The Hours", I thought "The Invasion" might have some interest even though it was panned by the critics. Wrong. It started quite well with its picturesque setting in Washington, DC and good photography. It progressively got worse, leaving the last half of the movie a tedious mess of noisy car chases, fiery crashes, violent beatings or shootings and mucus-covered zombies. Kidman and Craig exchanged tiresome clichés and mother-kiddie emotive syrup was poured over the ever-worsening script. There were only five people in the entire cinema on the 2nd day after opening - how come others knew to stay away? It pains me to think our ticket prices helped pay for Kidman's massive $15m or so salary for this truly dreadful film.
The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (2003)
A thoroughly delightful movie for home DVD viewing
Having waited many years for the DVD to finally appear I've now watched this movie for the third time. How could one not enjoy the gorgeous photography and scenery combined with marvelous actors and a lush music score? Sure, some of the final scenes were a bit silly but overall it was a delight to watch. Much better than the original version with Warren Beatty's terrible Italian accent. Helen Mirren's acting was great, as expected, but I also liked Olivier Martinez' performance as the handsome sleazy gigolo. His natural accent was perfect for this role. Rodrigo Santoro's haunting face of the urchin beggar was very intriguing. I felt that Anne Bancroft rather over-acted as the Contessa, however. A lovely DVD to watch with a few friends at home and then discuss afterwards. Not to be taken too seriously, just enjoy it.
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Ultimate Cinematic Tedium
I enjoyed the previous two Bournes but this one was a big disappointment after the massive amount of media hype put out with its release. The hand-held camera work was way overdone to the point of inducing nausea and the dark lighting made this worse. The entire movie consists of people and car chases that really bore. Script and story were very weak compared to previous Bourne movies. I tried to enjoy the international venues shown but they mostly deteriorated into endless silly chase scenes. On the positive side we were mercifully spared any of the usual gratuitous sex and there was no bad language. After a week of high pressure marketing by the film studio and fawning Payola praise by most critics the actual film is one big letdown for the rest of us.
La Môme (2007)
Marvellous but not perfect movie
Saw "La Vie en Rose" (US title) last night at the Philadelphia Film Festival. It received rapturous applause at the end and the director came on stage to answer questions. I was very moved by this film and especially Marion Cotillard's tour de force performance as Edith. The photography and sound were first class. It could be improved by editing out at least 30 minutes from its current excessive length. I was mostly confused by the endless flashbacks too. But overall it was a marvelous cinematic experience and timely glimpse at Piaf and her music again. The director explained to us that he didn't want to make a traditional biopic - more a paen to Piaf's art.
Wedding Crashers (2005)
Tiresome and sophomoric rubbish
Plumbing new depths in vulgarity and tastelessness, "Wedding Crashers" is a tiresome compilation of recent American guy-girl movie clichés. The acting is poor and the script worse, making the cinema seat harder as each long minute goes by. Of course the audience lapped it all up, guffawing at each sophomoric gag. How depressing to see that this awful movie is #1 at the box office. Good cinematography doesn't rescue it. We squirm seeing Christopher Walken and Jane Seymour repeatedly embarrassing themselves. We yawn at Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson lurching from unbelievable "I love ya Buddy" male bonding to predatory joint hunting of generic society chicks. Compared with the finer acting and script of now-running "Must Love Dogs", the winner of the toilet humor, bad language, degrade women and insult gays genre is undoubtedly "Wedding Crashers". Insatiable public appetite for this rubbish will ensure that we soon might see even worse movies, if that is possible.