41 Reviews
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The best movie i never wanted to watch
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a pretty good Spiderman movie ,Andrew Garfield is one of my favorites Spiderman , alongside Nicholas Hammond and Shinji Todo , but i hated they killed Gwen Stacy so i never wanted to see this movie not even once and i think many fans were on the same opinion ,because it wasn't to great at the box office.
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This is a good movie , but i still think Holland is the worst Spidey ever
16 December 2021
-This is a great movie , but it is great because of all characters from the Spider-verse ,not because Holland is so great ,this is actually the first Holland's (actually is not just his version ) movie i could watch ,because i grew up watching Spiderman the animated series and Nicholas Hammond's version was the first superhero movie (and the only one until the 90's) which was allowed in my communist country ,Romania and in that version ,Spiderman is taller he is mature , very athletic and he fights with human mobs (only in the animated series he fights with super-villains) so it is weird to see an omnipotent kid as being Spiderman .I hope the next version of the superhero to be 'Supaidaman' but i think this is too progressive for Hollywood ,because of the money. I hope too see all the Peter Parker's again ,even with a bigger involvement .It would be cool too see Spiderman 9 with Garfield and Spiderman 10 with Maguire and so on , this would be something WILD .I'm really sad nobody wanted to see the original back or even his Japan version in this movie ,it looks like a form of disrespect for the history of Spiderman.
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GOOD ,but it is the worst Dune version i ever saw.
18 September 2021
-I remember when i saw on my grandparents' house the first version,i was amazed by the story,acting and the costumes and even today it will remain the best boring movie of all time and the second version was more fast paced but it looked like a movie from Babylon 5 saga,baldish ,but it was pretty good although ,but this one,even if it has astoning visual effects ,it doesn't have the same impact for me as the first and even the second version,it is too boring (half of Dune's story in 2 hours and a half ?!?),even more boring than the first version,the music is too creepy and it is way too loud,and all i wanted to do on the half of the movie is to see the movie's ending,This is the best movie of the year,but i am not impressed. This is the Phantom Menace of the Dune's version. Dennis Villeneuve is highly overrated as a director.
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Star Trek: Picard: The End Is the Beginning (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Johnatan Del Arco absolutely Rocks !!!
15 February 2020
If you really want to see if this show i good or not,you should check how many people are watching this show,it has more than double of the Discovery's number of fans.I really like the new ship,i saw some people are complaining because the ship is not looking like a Starfleet or like a Federation ship,but they forget this one is not a Federation's ship and it would be quite boring to see another ship which is looking like Enterprise,Discovery or Voyager again,because there is already one on the other tve series..
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Star Trek: Picard: Absolute Candor (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
I absolutely love it !!!
15 February 2020
-This is a good show and isimply can't understand why some people are still watching the show if they don't like it,probably because all they want is to troll us with their hate.This series is the best starship based show from the last years ,without no doubt,so , ignore all the haters.This series is our last chance to see a Star Trek from TNG /TMP era and not from DSC or the last trilogy ,so you better pray to see Picard becoming a hit,because if this fails,it's OVER.
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Avenue 5: And Then He's Gonna Shoot Off... (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
-This is a very funny episode.
29 January 2020
-I really like this series ,it is the kind of sitcom good to watch before you sleep,just for a good disposition ,it is too bad it has only one season.
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Star Trek: Picard: Remembrance (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
-This pilot episode is exceptional.
23 January 2020
-I never liked a pilot episode so much since i saw the first part of Emissary ,this show is so mature ,so delicate,so balanced,so beautiful,even the fight scenes are so good,this is what we,the fans need !!!!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
This is a very fine TV series.
23 January 2020
-Is this the best Sci-fi series from the last years ..?!?..yes it is,this series has the quality of other great shows like BSG,SAAB,DS-9,TNG,and sir Patrick Stewarst is FENOMENAL,and i wish to thank him and to the rest of the producers for the greatest sci-fi moments from my life.
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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
This is the first crime show i can watch after 20 years of waiting .
18 January 2020
I used to watch on detective Columbo all the time ,but i am waiting for a good crime show for 20 years ,and finally ,the wait is over,although i discovered this series at the end of 2019 and the begining of 2020,when the show already has 13 seasons and i hope to see much more seasons,because it is so good.
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Lost in Space: Severed (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
This is the best episode so far.
7 January 2020
-Finally ,i found an episode which makes me smile.It has some scientific goofs ,but unleast has a very good story.
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Lost in Space: Run (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
-Where is the intro ?!?
7 January 2020
The series is clearly getting better and better,but i hate they removed the intro.
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Lost in Space: Scarecrow (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
- Nice vfx.
7 January 2020
-This series it's pretty good,but i still don't understand why some people are still watching this series if they really don't like it,because there are plenty sci-fi woke series out there,incuding STD.
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Lost in Space: Echoes (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
-The series is getting better
7 January 2020
-I I like this series ,but the false doctor must go,gosh,i feel mad whenever i see her face.
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Super Force (1990–1992)
31 December 2019
I remember those days,when only geeks (we were not fat,ugly or weird people ,we were just geeks) liked that genre,when it was all about fun ,imagination and science,people used to use their brain ,and to share an ideea to the other mates and fans it was something so unique.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 7: The Reckoning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
-Where all the beautiful people dissapeared ?
22 December 2019
This is a very good episode,but once again everybody is sooo UGLY ,not even a blonde or a chinese sexy girl just like always in the franchise,everybody looks so ...woke,you know ,they tried something like that with the latest Ghostbusters movie and it was a REAL Disaster.Go on ,ignore us ,but you know we are telling the truth.If this is a TV series just for teenagers,then why everybody is so ugly and old and if this series is for mature audience,then why the story is so short and simple ? I HAVE SPOKEN AND MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU !
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This is a woke popcorn movie.
22 December 2019
-Well ,the fact this movie doesn't have ,once again ,even a single chinese beautiful (or should i say normal ) character and not even a single blonde beautiful blonde girl (without wearing a helmet) ,and because it has a weird same sex kiss scene,even the producers know the majority of the fans alomost silently hate any "woke" content ,just like all the people from Asia,Africa and more than half of Europe lead to the lame movie opening from China ,where everybody likes only straight franchises like The Fast And The Furious and this is just the beggining,because nobody wants the perverts from Hollywood to educate their children or to tell us how to live our lives.The movie has more balanced character time scenes than The Force Awakens and finally, Rey is not the Godess of the universe,because anyway her character is not a very credibile one.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
A superb SW with a SAAB vs PREDATOR feeling.
30 November 2019
This episode was great,the story is good and the FX are very good ,indeed.Most probably this will become the best Star Wars production ever,after the original trilogy,or ,who knows ,even better.I really love their sources of inspiration,they really love all that good sci-fi series and movies from the 80's ,90's and the first half of 2000's,just like us.
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Titans: Faux-Hawk (2019)
Season 2, Episode 12
This episode was great.
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
-This show is the only goodshow which keeps the standards as great as in the beginning of the series,i like the actors,the story is getting better and better and the music is great.I want to thank the producers for this delightful series.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 2: The Child (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
-This episode is their best production since The return of the Jedi.
15 November 2019
-I had my doubts about this production,but this show is spectacular even the runtime is too short ,they should double the lenght of an episode if they want to trully please the massive fanbase entirely,but i think this series is pretty expensive even now.The force is strong in this episode,lol, and it makes me wonder if they want to bring a certain character (you know who ) in the cinematic universe,because there is a rumor about a secret new character who will appear at the end of the actual trilogy.
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Titans: E.L._.O. (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
This series is getting better and better
15 November 2019
-I like the dark tone of this series ,it remains far superior of all the other DC or Marvel series ,free of any dumb SJW agenda which is infecting all the TV and cinematic productions of the present and i hope they will get their own Titansverse because they deserve this and i also think our favorite hero will appear until the end of the season for sure .
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
12 November 2019
-I like the new series ,but this looks too weird,the robot should look scary,not like a magic lamp,the ship looks like a space shark or like a whale, the weird ships are just not cool,i miss the old MILLENNIUM FALCON and i really think Pedro Pascal is more suitable to be in a Smokie and Bandit remake instead of Burt Reynolds,because he looks soo ...not too straight and he doesn't have sex appeal and not enough charisma ,but this is the only space based series for normal people from the present,excepting Lost In Space and the upcoming Picard Series .I'm still waiting to see a NORMAL (sexy) chinese main character or a sexy blonde girl,but i think they don't exist in Star Wars universe.In my opinion the episodes with Prometheus from Stargate SG-1 were more SW like than everything made after the original trilogy.
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Aquaman (2018)
1 January 2019
-The movie is awesome,the acting is great,the action rules,the music is great ,this is honestly the best DC movie ever and i really don't understand why all those haters are posting their wrong reviews so many times on the same page,relax guys we know how to read ,there's no need for this kind of childish reactions.
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The Orville: Ja'loja (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
This is a good Voyager-style episode
31 December 2018
-I started to see the episode in a very tense atmosphere in my family,even if everybody is starting to party and suddenly i realised all the sci-fi shows from this part of the year , like Titans,Nightflyers and even Arrowverse were very dark,so this episode was a very good way to prepare myself for the end of the year atmosphere,and i highly recommend this episode to anybody,this series is so special to me ,because it is the only sci-fi comedy show from the last years and it is a good one.
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Finally,the bad guy kicks their butts .
3 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Probaly this is one of the best action movie of the year,but for me what makes this film special is to see Spidey's crybaby's face when he says he doesn't want to die,and also to see Hulk being too affraid to show up after he is beated by Thanos.Also Iron Man looks great after Thanos leaves him alive and butthurt.
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A good movie
31 May 2018
This is the only film which was rated with 6 stars on IMDB with days before the opening,so, the boycott of the EU fans really works.The movie itself is better than TLJ ,TFA or the original prequels.Tge movie ,just like the underrated Sar Trek Beyond was a follow up to a very hated movie, TLJ and the fans wete revolted by SJW attempt to mess with the sexuality of a very pleased straight character,and above all the fans of the EU are revolted because their universe is not considered canon at least as an alternate universe.Well done Disney your lame marketing actions destroied the box office of a perfectly good new entry.
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