
1 Review
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A good movie about getting into heaven
24 September 2011
This is a thinking person's movie: The main character, Nick, must figure out how to pass the tests that will determine how he will spend eternity. But before he can do that, he needs to discover what the tests are, using clues provided in songs by his rock idol. The viewer, too, must figure out what the tests are, and what Nick must do to pass them.

Hayes Hargrove did a good job as Nick, but at times was a little over the top. However, Matthew Jure as the rock star, Rex, was spot-on and fantastic; in fact all the band members were great, and so was the music. Wendi McClendon-Covey was good as Dawn, and I especially liked Carey Peters (Beth). She can say so much with just a look!

I enjoyed "Starlight and Superfish" and expect to be thinking about it and talking about it for a long time.
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