
12 Reviews
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Gunny carried this one of course
21 May 2021
What I liked most is Gunnery Sgt. Pre Full Metal Jacket.... The movie is short on any character development...but hey it's a war flick...worth a look see.
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The Rental (2020)
18 May 2021
In the tradition of Halloween 🎃 1978.....scary as hell but not gory....well done!
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Another failed remake
15 May 2021
Hollywood looking for a cheap buck on this subpar remake...the thought of even remaking the 1976 classic boggles the mind. The Amanda Wurlitzer character almost saved the film, but she couldnt do it by herself ..pass on this on e.
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Jasper Mall (2020)
A Real Reality Check
6 May 2021
I worked at a mall similar to the Jasper Mall that opened in 1985 in NH and like the JM was busy always and forget the weekends (read mall rats). Now when I visit with my wife as an older adult it's eerily quiet but still mostly open. Smaller malls in the area are all but empty or closed. I surmise the internet killed the mall experience, but the kids and adults are missing the human contact in the end that we had. This film nailed this phenomenon....& man I'd hire that security man....what a good dependable worker! I recommend this film.
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A bit of a let down
1 May 2021
Nothing gets me more interested to see a good documentary movie with a serious subject matter. Once I found Alec Baldwin and Whoopie in the leads, I realized we as observers were going to be virtue signaled from the jump. I would have liked to have seen more character development : esp more about Mr. EVERS. And less predictable pabulum, esp from Baldwin. There are moments in the movie of redemption but it was no To Kill a Mockingbird...I'd pass on this one next time.
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Go Howie Carr!
29 April 2021
I lived through and followed this trial when I lived in the neighboring town of Woburn;Billerica,Mass. GRACE Chemical was tantamount to a 4 letter word back then. I think if the subject matter had been less geographical, this movie would be Academy Award really happened.
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Not Horrible
22 April 2021
I was looking for a comedy my wife and I could enjoy together......this is definitely not it. I think the actors all did the best with what they were given, but the material was so juvenile and crude to save it. Too bad because the premise, while trite had promise. Barry & Mel had seemingly no redeeming qualities to keep me interested.
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Mr. Baseball (1992)
17 April 2021
Predictable comedy/farce...rude, bumbling American changes polite, honorable Japanese culture and gets the pretty girl. I expected more from Selleck.
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I wanted to like this movie....BUT
14 April 2021
OK, so we figured out quickly this is obviously NOT a comedy. All right, but it never really comes to fruition in any other format either. Will Farrell comes off believable, maybe too believable. He doesn't seem to have any redeemable qualities. Rebecca Hall and Laura Dern underutilized in my opinion. The abrupt ending did not seem well though out and left us the audience hanging.
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Bad Ben (2016 TV Movie)
A surprise thriller
8 April 2021
I just saw it and threw it on figuring this film would be another waste of my precious time. While mind you it's not Rosemary's have to give it up to this flick. It keeps your interest right to the end.
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Missing Mom (2016)
8 April 2021
As someone who has also had a dysfunctional relationship with my long deceased, disciplinarian mother; she would stop talking to me sometimes for a year or more... I found the film honest, sincere and heartfelt. Nobody won, but the family didn't loose as much as they would have if the first step hadn't been taken. Well done.
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Not fair and balanced
19 January 2019
I honestly believe Michael Moore is a good man, but misguided. He means well, but there were too many half truths, misleading or outright lies to have any semblance of credibility. I also could have done without the uncharacteristic swearing from he and some of other people in the film. Mr Moore, you can do better.
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