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Shadow in the Cloud (2020)
Let the opening music warn you.
Let the opening music warn you that it is bad. So bad, your cheering for the Gremlin. The sound track, eee gads. Did the actors lose a bet to accept roles in this? Is it a metaphor for macho sexist misogyny? The screaming, the yelling, the weirdo stunts. Thank goodness you can fast forward through the noisy strange bits. And then, a cute baby. Good grief, so we know the guy was a bad bad man, but mum brings the baby onto a fighter plane? Perhaps they are suited to each other after all. The streaming channel did not help by punctuating it with commercials way too frequently perhaps for advertising money. Not for me.
Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas (2024)
A warning and a condemnation
So these women have zero value except as money makers for their "owners". In this documentary no one can be trusted. One mother sells her daughter to Mexican pimps. Sends her overseas to a woman friend for a non existent job. One girlfriend cries when her friend is tortured and murdered, but she denies all knowledge, but still wears her friends clothes and shoes. The web site advertises prostitutes, and washes its hands. Not one nice word is said about Police, Mexico, or Journalists. Again, these women are seen as disposable, with no more value than a used tissue, or like a dish rag. Just use and throw away.
Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story (2022)
Name names
All good and well to say "unwitingly" about those who did not investigate the abuse while Saville was alive. But unless the individuals, and not just the company or police force they worked at, are named, no one will learn anythingfrom this horror. How many poor kids out there now are not listened to? Ok, Saville is dead, but these criminals are out there and they need to be chased down and put in jail.
Whistleblowers do good when they expose crimes and hypocrisy. They need to be supported and congratulated, and those covering up should be named, shunned and turned out of society. As we learned if you get away with something you keep doing it.
Accidente (2024)
Fiction but based on a real accident
Five children did die when a bounce house blew into the sky in Tasmania, Australia in Dec 2021. Look it up yourself in google BBC news etc. I have seen post by people who just cannot believe it can happen.
This fictional series has lots of side stories, sub plots, money and power play. The real story and aftermath is tragic and more interesting.
In the fiction the Accident just allows people to show their real feelings, their real rivalry, and jealousy of their supposed friends. In my view it is too long, and padded, like a soap opera tv series. Still in my opinion worth watching regarding peoples greed.
What Dreams May Come (1998)
I did not like this movie at all. The story put me off as being a really bad fantasy. The kind of weird beliefs re heaven and he'll put me off. The visuals made me dizzy and nauseous. Particularly the flowers and the outdoors. Seemed aimed at people who had pretty good lives compared to the suffering in places across the world, but who also wanted heaven. Richard Matheson wrote some really great Sci Fi etc stories for twilight zone so I was disappointed in this film. But it was really the visuals that churned my stomach. If you like it, good for you, but I would rather twighlight zone to remember the writer by.
At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal (2019)
New laws needed so charges not dismissed
In the aftermath of the trial lots of evidence came out about those who turned away the kids reporting their feeling uncomfortable, and those adults not calling police. But in lots of cases charges were dismissed. If so then new laws are required that create criminal liability for anyone who does not take reporting what kids say forward to the police in every instance.
And, in addition, each child reporting to someone in authority should be accompanied by a lawyer to make sure no one can deny being told, or at least a document by certified mail delivered to the person in authority. Most disgusting was the parents who did not listen to their child.
True Detective: Omega Station (2015)
Retrospective review after season 4
While watching season 4 now, which is complicated with lots of sub stories, character stories thought back to season 2. Tried several times to rewatch season 2 but could not get involved in the story. Why couldnt i care about the characters in season 2 even a little? The words? The delivery? Their flaws? It was complicated like season 4, but. Is it because there was no puzzle to solve? Was it because nearly everyone was a bad guy? Eventually i gave up trying to rewatch season 2. It put me off trying season 3, but i did and it was so much more engaging. I would not say skip 2, because other reviews really liked it.
The Coldest Game (2019)
America put misiles in Europe facing Russia first
Once again, the bit about how America, who has bases all over Europe, put nuvlear midiles in facing Russia first. The bases are USA controlled. Sovereign nationals do not enter that land in their countries. Like those in NT. So the crisis was of USA own making.
So even though this is fiction, once again, the us and them scenario is played. Guess who us is? A country that distorts the language to call kidnapping people on foreign soil and torturing them "rendition", to destroy South American countries to bolster a foreign owned fruit company is a pot calling kettle black. So enjoy the ride, but crack a well researched history book as well.
The Killer (2023)
If and only if
Movie worked for me on Netflix if and only if I had audio description on. Why? Because at home i am doing stuff, cooking, washing, while movie is playing. For a while i thought it was a silent movie and to keep restsrting it yo cstch up. Then finally realised it needed audio description. Which was bery very thorough. Thrn i read it was a graphic novel. Okay i learned to read from comic books, so i get it. Explains the detailed visuals, the need to see and pay attention, to every frame. But, i am definitely not used to doing that for any movies or TV shows at home. At the movies yes, at home, audio description.
En helt vanlig familj (2023)
Angry but believable
Really terrible ending. But realistic, unfortunately. Underlines why you never expect justice from any criminals, or from their even scummier family. Firstly the family helped nurture them to come out that way, and secondly, not acknowleding how horrible they are is just a way to avoid taking that responsibility. Anger comes from somewhere deep inside, and who put it there? Just another psuedo sympathetic story where their is no real acceptance from the individuals of their own guilt. A formulae to make the viewer or reader also not accept any responsibility for the criminals, or the desperate sadness of individuals in their own family.
Listening to Kenny G (2021)
After viewing the documentary now i like him
I admit I am a Miles and Trane fan, and go to live jazz in small clubs, at university music schools, in Australian cities, in Italy, in Prague.
I never thought of Kenny G music as Jazz. It was okay. I compare it to the standardisation of McDonalds burgers, not a real burger like in an Australian cafe, onions, pineapple, tomato.
But, after this documentary i can see the parallels to Miles in his career from the school band to commercial bands. In his dedication to practice. Still, not my kind of music, but i do not agree with people who rubbish him, as a person, or as a musician. Are they kidding ?
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
I am grieved to watch this film. Yes it is a great movie, but i hesitate to watch it again when it comes on.
Only because i can never understand why oh why the child actors did not go on to great careers, well none in films that i can find anywhere.
What is the hidden reason ? Each one did a very good job acting in this. If they had acyed really realky well we would care a lot less about the adult characters.
One more thing, Elizabeth's neck. How she had no permanent spine damage i cannot understand. Did they not have any hralth and safety required in 1984? Jimmy Woods best film? Perhaps, miss him acting now.
Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders (2022)
Not for anyone, I mean everyone
Look the convention is "off in as gory a manner as you wish stupid rich people" but any director that even hints at animal cruelty is not worth watching by anyone.
No long intro, this movie gets right into the gore and introduces the nasty people. So look in vain for a sympathetic character to identify with. And the real house, yep someone did some homework, was right in the middle of town, no boat or plane required. So a Halloween movie, perhaps, but nonetheless a good alternative to watching repeats on TV while broken bones heal, forced on you while waiting for the next installment of Loki.
L'uomo in più (2001)
Toni Servillo
Every film Toni Servillo is in he is the character. Sometimes it is 20 min in or so before i realise it is him. This is acting at a level no one else i have seen, and i am old and watched untold movies from silents to now, achieves. Amazing. Just enjoy his films.
A directors debut, with this actor, a win before starting. Perhaps watch to get the messages re fame, infamy, and those leeches onto those with fame. Not be nice to everyone on the way up as you need them when you are on the way down. No matter how nice, no one wants to know you on the way down, failure is catchy? Worth watching for sure. No spoilers.
Viaggio in Italia (1954)
It is good
It is good. The people are real. The scenery is fantastic. The dubbing is good, though the dubbers are not listed. Worth a Saturday afernoon watch and if you do not go to Naples or Pompeii you are missing out. This is so reflective and timeless. Also recommend a visit to casa Leopardi on the slopes of Vesuvius to experience the fantastic views and fear of the volcano, which is due to erupt.
Why George was unhappy with his direction by the director is unknown. Why do we NOT have movies with such gentle atmosphere. Scorsese. Also follow pompeii on Facebook to get current archaeology information.
Happy Valley: Episode #3.3 (2023)
Plot hole..
So the gran knows everything, but doesn't tell it to her sister, or grandson? If what she "knows" is true, a transcript of the fathers trial is an independent report they can all look at. But, gran rolls her eyes and says trust me.
So I anticipate at some stage an intelligent son would read the trial notes. Except when a script writer chooses to withhold information that would end this story thread in the series quickly. So, explains the other concurrent story of another murder and "did the husband do it" as we expect Gran to jump to as a conclusion, based on her thing about beatten wives. Woah.
Amsterdam (2022)
Good for ordinary people, shames the elite right wing fascists
The movie has an important message. It had to have all the side show antics, AND the pre WW2 setting otherwise no one would have allowed it to be made. Great actors. Good message, very relevant to today, to many many countries. Good story.
Down with Fascism everywhere, even North American fascism. Down with dictators who stir up the violent army trained mobs, in any country. So many great stars in this film took scale pay. Could have had more editing. A lot more editing. Reminds me of the important American plays of the early 20th century that stuck up for workers and called. Glad it got made.