
4 Reviews
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I didn't even remember the title of this show until now but it's certainly a childhood favorite cartoon of mine.
16 January 2008
This cartoon used to air on TV in Canada all the time and even if the cartoon came out during the 60's.

It never felt outdated to me at all as a kid and this was back during the late 80's and early 90's.

Thats pretty impressive that this show stood the test of time for that long.

I just re watched an episode yesterday on youtube and it was still as funny as i remembered it.

The animation and the drawings maybe a little crude but i didn't care as a kid nor do i care now since the entertainment value is still there.

If you have children of your own. I would highly recommend getting a DVD of this series and show your kids.

They'll likely really love this show as much as you did as a child and have a whole lot of fun watching it.

in closing they just don't make cartoons like they used to.
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I wish i could have feel a sleep during this movie.
20 February 2003
I just watched stealing harvard yesterday.

I'am surprized how bland it was.

I did'nt laugh,I did'nt cry and I was'nt moved. The movie's premise was promissing and it had tom green in it.

Some guy made a promise he'll pay for his sister's child collage and so he goes on this crime wave to get the money and plus tom green is his costar so this movie sounds like it'll be lots of fun....


Nothing interesting happened it was just as slow paced as it's a wounderful life and that's not good for any comedy in this day and age.

Tom green could have saved the movie but why they made tom green be good boy is beyond me.

I've watched the whole movie because i'am a hugh tom green fan.

I'am mad at the video store clerk who recommended this me. If you wanna see a funny movie go watch Road trip,Freddy got fingered just don't waste your time with Stealing harvard.
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No pink flamingos but at least it's funny!!
13 January 2003
I rented pink flamingos and female trouble came with it.

Both are john waters movies and i wanted to see pink flamingos first. I've watched pink flamingos 3 times and had to shut it off each time because parts of it made me nervious.

But i'am just wasting your time before i tell you about female trouble. If you rented the pink flamingo's Dvd watch the other movie that came with it.

This is one of john water's underrated classics. It has some good speical effects for a john water's movie. it's a little more mainstream than pink flamingos but it's not mainstream enough to watch in front of your mother.

I've watched this in front of my father and little brother and we were weak during most of the movie.

Some of my favorite parts in the movie was Liquad eyeliner,The theme song And Divine(guy) Raping Divine(girl). That part was interesting because it's the only movie i saw an actor play both rapist and victim.

How can i pick a favorite scene i liked the whole movie And i'am the type of person that can pick a favorite part of a movie with ease.

I'll give these words a warning before viewing this movie it may be harmful to viewers who are excessivly serious or who is offended when they see a little bit of nudity.

Just like pink flamingos and ping pong club not to viewed by young children or any child of any age for that matter.
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Very Strange and Very Wrong,Wrong,Wrong But it's good for laugh.
5 January 2003
I heard of this movie for a while but never actually seen it yet And I have watched almost every john waters Movie except for his older stuff. I'am still looking for some of his older films.

I rented the pink flamigos Dvd before i bought a Dvd player of my own. Me and my little brother watched pink flamingos on a friends X-box to check it out. We both saw after eatting at mc donnalds And we agreed to shut off after the first half hour. Then my birthday came later on and I bought a dvd player to call my own. I bought a bunch of Dvd and watch more movies. I decided to try to finish watching pink flamingos just to see if i'd get sick from it. Trust me this movie is rated Nc-17 for one reason it's beyond poor taste it's out and out wrong. But don't get me wrong I'am not bad mouthing the movie it's actually Entertaining once you get past The Violence,Male nudity,Beastalty jokes,Incest(One Scene Where A mother does a sexual act to her son) And Everything else you'll love it.
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