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IMDb member since July 2009
Bandhanaya (2017)
A copy of great "Exorcist"
16 April 2020 - 1 out of 2 users found this review helpful.
This is an exact copy of arguably the all time greatest horror movie "Exorcist"
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Parliament Jokes (2002)
The most complete and aggressive comedy of Sinhala Cinema
2 January 2019 - 2 out of 2 users found this review helpful.
I still remember watching this movie in theater back in 2001 where a massive crowd flocked and I have watched this several times at home too. I have watched a number of sinhala comedy movies and I think among them this movie stands out as a complete and aggressive comedy as it never lets the audience rest and keeps the audience laughing. The movie critically address the cupput political system in the country. All the actors and actresses perform their roles to the best.
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