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IMDb member since March 2010
Bardot (2023)
Little depth and superficial.
25 August 2023 - 21 out of 28 users found this review helpful.
A real disappointment. With a paperthin storyline, you never really get into the story. Brigit is portrayed as a 1 dimensional woman who goes from one relationship and man to another. It is a missed opportunity not to put down a slightly more in-depth character. Unfortunately, it remains too superficial. In terms of filmography and images, it is doable. But this cannot take the bad script to the next level. You have the idea that Bardot has a more deeper character, unfortunately this is not really noticeable in this series. The superficial stuff can be irritating to watch at times. It is more of a glorified soap opera in terms of level than a noteworthy series in this time and age.
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