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The Magnificent Eleven (2013)
Paint drying is quicker & more entertaining
The Full Monty its not. This is a truly awful film.
It is plodding, predictable, hackneyed, clichéd, totally uninvolving, unbelievable, and just not funny.
I am frankly staggered at the waste of talent on show here, and I can't believe anyone can call it an "excellent" film.
On the contrary, its a complete waste of my time, your time, and theirs.
How on earth it got past the initial stages is beyond me.
There's far superior films out there
Don't buy or rent it.
Ted (2012)
Ted doesn't disappoint.
I watched this film this morning at home and I can honestly say its one of the funniest and best films ever, a real pick-me-up.
I have to declare that I am already a Seth Macfarlane fan, and I love "Family Guy", so I wouldn't recommend it to my mother!
However, as another reviewer suggested, its quite like a live action Family Guy, with irreverance in abundance.
At the same time though it was also quite moving at times, and the quality of the acting is really high when you consider it's basically preposterous storyline.
I hear there's a sequel in the pipeline so I'm already looking forward to that.
Thoroughly recommended for the over 16's and under 70's!
Dagon (2001)
A decent interpretation of Lovecraft's craft
I have just watched this film for the second time, so that means I like it, enough to buy the DVD. There are so many big-budget and even-bigger-budget films out there that are utter rubbish, insult the viewers' intelligence and waste their time & money. Its a genuine pleasure to see this small budget production, and a Spanish one at that, showing the big boys a thing or two. I agree with a previous poster's comments about Hollywood being too scared to touch this material, which is a real tragedy. Such imaginative writing deserves the bigger budget treatment. Firstly I am a real fan of H.P.Lovecraft's work and to best appreciate the film, you'd probably be well advised to read some of his work, particularly in this case, "Shadow over Innsmouth" and "Dagon", both in the excellent volume: "Necronomicon". Lovecraft's writing has a claustrophobic, nightmarish and dreadful feel and the film captures these attributes admirably. The film spends a lot of time in pursuit of the "hero" by nightmarish creatures who, alone would pose but a slight threat. Its their strength in numbers and perseverance that creates the real fear factor, and vain attempts to hide and subsequent discovery and flight are genuinely scary. Add in the constant rain and flooding, used to great effect in "Bladerunner" and "The Hitcher", the decrepit feel to the village and you have a superb backdrop to paint on the action. The actors may not be A-listers but they do a decent enough job and Macarena Gomez's countenance is striking. Special effects are also decent enough considering the budget, and there is a mild sexual undertone too which is in keeping with the popularity of more current productions like "Game of Thrones" and "Sparticus". There is one gory scene that in my opinion interrupts the progressive feel to the action. In summary I'd say another underrated low budget triumph, I would liken to the original "The Wicker Man". Watch it and I am confident you will have seen worse. In my opinion a lot worse.