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IMDb member since June 2012
Almighty Thor (2011)
Don't really waste your time.
19 June 2012 - 3 out of 3 users found this review helpful.
I made an account just to say how awful this movie is. Kevin Nash wasted his time on this movie. The actors all looked terrible and did not fit the characters they attempted to portray. Whoever made this movie should be quite embarrassed. It makes me ask the question, what was the budget? Seems like a VERY small one. Even for the type of movie it is, it was bad. My opinion of it was very low before I even started watching it, but WOW! It surprised me, that's how bad it was to be honest. Even the CGI disappointed me, and I gave up watching as soon as I realised that the 10 minutes they were using to make Loki look scary... completely failed. (1/10)/10.
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