
5 Reviews
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A Severe Disappointment
25 March 2016
I didn't have high hopes for this movie after the trailer, but I still expected it to be a decent movie that I would enjoy. Even with these fairly low expectations I am left extremely disappointed with this movie.

Pros: -Ben Affleck makes a pretty good Batman, and some of his scenes are pretty enjoyable. Jeremy Irons was also a good Alfred. -They tooksome risks with this movie that I wasn't expecting. -Wonder Woman was pretty cool.

Cons: -The plot. -The B plots that don't contribute much to the main story. -The massive and numerous plot holes. -The movie sacrifices good story telling in order to set up future Justice League movies. While Wonder Woman was one of the few enjoyable parts of the movie, she is a largely unnecessary element that detracts from the main story. -The editing/Directing. Many shots just last way to long for no real reason. -The new and interesting things that the movie did were done in ways that made me not really care. -Lex Luthor didn't make a very compelling villain in this movie. -Anything Lois Lane does.

This is one of the few movies I have seen in theaters that I felt was a waste of time and money. I saw this in IMAX 3D, and at one point I had to take off my 3D glasses so that I could facepalm more effectively. I saw this movie with a friend who is extremely passionate about Batman and Superman. This movie was bad enough that it hurt him on an personal level. I am not sure how they managed to mess up this movie this badly. I was going to give this a 4 or 5 out of 10 because of some of the decisions it made that I wasn't expecting, but I determined that these were not executed well enough to warrant boosting the score. This movie has set a new standard for bad comic book movies.
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In Your Eyes (2014)
A well done sci-fi/fantasy romantic comedy
21 April 2014
I saw this movie at its premiere the Tribeca Film Festival. It had some really good dialogue and some very funny scenes. The movie takes a little bit of time to get its footing, but once it finds it the movie is interesting and funny. It occasionally borders on getting cheesy but the better parts of the film more than make up for it. It is somewhat predictable, like most romantic movies, but that doesn't really detract from the movie at all.

The acting is really good from all of the leads and the chemistry between Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David is great despite not having much on screen interaction. Director Brin Hill did a great job of making a potentially disorienting topic really easy to follow. The dialogue is very witty as is typical in Joss Whedon's work. There is also a lot of genre mixing which is typical in his films.

The movie is successful in pretty much everything it attempts. The movie is very funny, interesting, and at times, fairly intense. Despite being a micro budget movie, it does not feel that way at all.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Way better than people say.
10 June 2013
The movie was extremely entertaining. I have seen many reviews that were complaining about plot holes, but I have none of the "plot holes" that they were complaining of did not actually exist. There are some unanswered questions, but none that I thought were overly important. The ending was slightly disappointing and a few of the relationships between characters seemed a little forced, but the strengths of this movie outweigh its weaknesses. It has a fantastic plot and lots of great lines. Most of the questions I had throughout the movie were answered, or clearly intentionally unanswered to be mysterious. Some other people seem to have confused style choices of the movie with plot holes. I have no idea why so many people have been so harsh about this movie. This movie is extremely fun, and very interesting.
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Good movie, but worst of the trilogy.
21 July 2012
I am a huge fan of Christopher Nolan and the first 2 Dark Knight movies, so I had high expectations for this movie. The Dark Knight Rises is good, but it is nowhere near the level of the other two movies. It has several things that are a bit cliché and it also had several plot holes that I found very irritating and distracting. My friend who I saw it with initially thought it was the best out of the trilogy, but after we discussed the plot holes that he missed, he ranked it as the worst of the three movies. Throughout the movie I felt like everything was a bit overdone. It seemed like they were trying so hard to make the "epic conclusion" that they forgot to make it realistic or reasonable. One of the things I loved about the first two was how it dealt with Batman in a fairly realistic way. There was a fairly good overview of how he functioned and how he was viewed. In this I thought there was much less dealing with the separation of Bruce Wayne and Batman, which was one of the interesting parts of the first 2. Also, I would describe the main character of The Dark Knight Rises as Bruce Wayne rather than Batman, which I found greatly disappointing. Still a good movie, but not nearly as great as the first 2.
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Serenity (2005)
One of the best space sci-fi movies ever
16 July 2012
This movie is one of the best space sci-fi movies ever. It is just as good as the series(but possibly not as good as some of the better episodes). If you haven't seen Firefly you should do that before you watch Serenity. Serenity is a great continuation of the series. Serenity has enough action to keep you interested throughout the entire movie. There is also plenty of the witty exchanges that is generally seen in Joss Whedon's work. Serenity has possibly the best fight scene ever as well as some of the wittiest dialogue. This movie is fantastic especially considering it's low budget and less than stellar reception at the box office. If you like space sci-fi movies than you will almost definitely like this movie.
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