I didn't have high hopes for this movie after the trailer, but I still expected it to be a decent movie that I would enjoy. Even with these fairly low expectations I am left extremely disappointed with this movie.
Pros: -Ben Affleck makes a pretty good Batman, and some of his scenes are pretty enjoyable. Jeremy Irons was also a good Alfred. -They tooksome risks with this movie that I wasn't expecting. -Wonder Woman was pretty cool.
Cons: -The plot. -The B plots that don't contribute much to the main story. -The massive and numerous plot holes. -The movie sacrifices good story telling in order to set up future Justice League movies. While Wonder Woman was one of the few enjoyable parts of the movie, she is a largely unnecessary element that detracts from the main story. -The editing/Directing. Many shots just last way to long for no real reason. -The new and interesting things that the movie did were done in ways that made me not really care. -Lex Luthor didn't make a very compelling villain in this movie. -Anything Lois Lane does.
This is one of the few movies I have seen in theaters that I felt was a waste of time and money. I saw this in IMAX 3D, and at one point I had to take off my 3D glasses so that I could facepalm more effectively. I saw this movie with a friend who is extremely passionate about Batman and Superman. This movie was bad enough that it hurt him on an personal level. I am not sure how they managed to mess up this movie this badly. I was going to give this a 4 or 5 out of 10 because of some of the decisions it made that I wasn't expecting, but I determined that these were not executed well enough to warrant boosting the score. This movie has set a new standard for bad comic book movies.
Pros: -Ben Affleck makes a pretty good Batman, and some of his scenes are pretty enjoyable. Jeremy Irons was also a good Alfred. -They tooksome risks with this movie that I wasn't expecting. -Wonder Woman was pretty cool.
Cons: -The plot. -The B plots that don't contribute much to the main story. -The massive and numerous plot holes. -The movie sacrifices good story telling in order to set up future Justice League movies. While Wonder Woman was one of the few enjoyable parts of the movie, she is a largely unnecessary element that detracts from the main story. -The editing/Directing. Many shots just last way to long for no real reason. -The new and interesting things that the movie did were done in ways that made me not really care. -Lex Luthor didn't make a very compelling villain in this movie. -Anything Lois Lane does.
This is one of the few movies I have seen in theaters that I felt was a waste of time and money. I saw this in IMAX 3D, and at one point I had to take off my 3D glasses so that I could facepalm more effectively. I saw this movie with a friend who is extremely passionate about Batman and Superman. This movie was bad enough that it hurt him on an personal level. I am not sure how they managed to mess up this movie this badly. I was going to give this a 4 or 5 out of 10 because of some of the decisions it made that I wasn't expecting, but I determined that these were not executed well enough to warrant boosting the score. This movie has set a new standard for bad comic book movies.
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