I loved this movie because it was fresh, funny and the actors were amazing. I expected the usual nihilism of a Hungarian movie and I got great amusement. I also found the acting very credible.
There's a little twist at the end, and hints all along that there would be one, but I guess the story would work without it anyway. And that's because the emotions and tensions shown are real, no hypocrisy. Sometimes social media and these positivity sites and articles try to make us believe that it's all right to live in a wheelchair. Well, in fact, life in a wheelchair just sucks. And that's the truth. But you can go ahead, struggle, make some progress, try to handle it the best possible way, but hey folks, let's just not be rosy here. Humour, though. It helps. It always does.
One more thing: there is a small scene where Zolika is out in his wheelchair on a sunny and tranquil day on a touristy square of Budapest and an elderly lady tries to give him small change and he does not accept it. That scene I found the most heart breaking, even though it is not very important from the story point of view. But it is so typical, how good hearted people are mismanaging the encounters with disabled people, due to lack of integration and education.
The Hungarian title means "With Full Heart" and that is how I recommend this movie.
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