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Nine Lives (2016)
OK for kids
Great movie for kids and pet lovers. Some sweet moments. What's more important in life, lots of money or family. Language was mild, no memorable cursing. Clean movie.
Christopher Walken played the part of a mysterious man with mystical connections who runs a pet shop with cats. These cats can become receptacles for humans who need to learn what's really important in life.
Keven Spacey plays the billionaire whose greatest dream is to build the tallest building in North America.
Jennifer Garner is the wife and mother. Their little girl wants a kitten for her birthday. Dad is not happy with that but ends up getting a cat.
Don't want to say much more or I'll spoil the movie.
The Cat in the Hat (2003)
Cute kids, Mike Myers catty, show in the spirit of Seuss' zaniness
I saw the last fourth of the movie and wondered how things got the way they were. How did things get so messed up? Tonight I had the chance to see it from the beginning. Mostly funny,sometimes a little overdone, but always interesting with some well-done zingers. Lots of eye-candy scenes for kids to marvel. Some parts were clever, occasional spots of typical Mikes Myers bad taste humor--flatulent. I'd watch it again with my grandkids and laugh even harder, although I would worry that the boys might get gross ideas from Mike's antics. It was funny and worth the time to watch. There were some really good ideas in the show, but not everything worked. The evil boyfriend of the mother idea brought the quality down a notch.
Purgatory (1999)
A Western Surprise
This outstanding fantasy is dressed up as western. A tough bunch of outlaws ride into a town named Purgatory, an idyllic garden spot in the middle of the desert, not realizing that Purgatory is not of earth and not knowing the lawmen they face are the greatest gunmen who ever lived trying to save their souls from hell by living according to the standards of Purgatory.
The citizens of Purgatory are being given a second chance now that they know there is life after death. They must rein in their personal lusts and weaknesses and live the sober, peaceful, and considerate ways of Purgatory or the undertaker will deliver them to the fiery canyon outside the town. Now the townsmen must deal with the uncouth, unbridled hombres who are intent on ruining the town, raping the women, and doing whatever they please. Can they do it without resorting to violence that put them in Purgatory?