2 Reviews
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Exeter (2015)
If you're looking for a good horror movie look elsewhere.
26 August 2015
If you're in for a chuckle or two and you have a dark sense of humor this may be your speed. Think Army of the Dead but trying to be more serious and less cheesy. Honestly I've had this movie on my computer for the past two years listed as The Asylum and I spent a while looking for this. It's not a good horror/thriller but then again it's difficult to scare me.

-Possession, overused theme and it's been warn out. I get it catholic church, possession's a thing, I don't buy it but I believe that you believe it's real -Decent roster of actors with a very generic plot line, they managed to make it "work". -Music choice was decent

For the music I give it a 3, and because I kept watching it. I in all good conscience don't believe anything other than The last air bender, Dragonball Evolution, Avatar, and from what I've heard the fantastic 4 reboot deserve less than a 3.

But take my word for it, save yourself the time and skip this movie, all you really want to see is within the first minute or so. You're welcome.
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The Last Airbender (I) (2010)
This along with the new fantastic flop and dragon ball evolution need to fade into obscurity
25 August 2015
Never speak of this movie or those previously mentioned, they're cinematic abortions and those who were fans of the original series/comics absolutely despise them with a passion, this movie has little to nothing in common with the original cartoon. They mispronounce names, they changed key points about bending, they took out key allies Aang (or should I say Oong, thanks M. Nigh Shamalamadingdong) making a reboot the only possible way to continue the story, but no, he's making a SECOND ONE. 4/10 movie and 6% rotten tomatoes weren't enough to deter him from making yet another.

Save yourself the money if you haven't seen this and torrent the movie, you'll thank me for having saved all $3. I wouldn't even accept minimum wage to sit through this little over an hour butchering of one of my favorite cartoons growing up.
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