Les Misérables (2012)
Les Miserables: The Musical of a Lifetime
I will admit, I have waited a year for the movie adaption of "Les Miserables". Let me tell you it certainly was worth the long wait. I went to see it with my mother today as a Christmas gift to her from me. We settled in and allowed the big screen to take us away.
The story is about Jean Valjean, a convict who is freed after 20 years in prison and is chased by the policeman Inspector Javert. Throughout the chase, Valjean touches the lives of so many people especially Cosette-whom he later adopts from her late mother Fantine.
I won't go into major details. Just know that the music was incredible, the actors had all sung live. There was no pre-recording. This made it real, and raw which the audience will immediately see. You will fall in love with the characters and, yes, cry. But you're among friends as the whole theater may cry so you won't be alone.
The movies exceeded my expectations and if the actors, especially Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman do not win Oscars for their performance, there is something wrong with the world.
See this movie, you won't regret it. Be sure to grab a box of tissues before you enter, you'll need them.
M*A*S*H (1972)
Attention all personal!
No words can perhaps sum up what I think of this show. I absolutely love this show! I was practically raised on it and even as I watch it now I do not get tired of it one bit. Who could possibly hate the crew of the 4077?? They're witty, funny and very easy to relate to.
There's the woman-hungry Hawkeye Pierce and his sidekick married man but also woman hungry Trapper John McIntyre(later becoming family man B.J Hunnicutt), the goofy C.O. Henry Blake later replaced by the stern Sherman Potter, there's tattle-tale Frank Burns (later on sent off and to come take the place is Boston man Charles Winchester III) and love interest head nurse and feminist type (in my opinion) "Hot Lips" Margaret Houlihan, then there's the naive country boy Radar O'Reilly, cross dressing lunatic Klinger and of course the holy priest Father Mulcahy. All of them under the strains of the Korean War trying to save the many lives that come their way in their hospital.
For a long time this show became my obsession and I was the oddball for a very long time until high school at least. Couple of friends actually watch the show on reruns occasionally but never up to my standards when it came to obsession. That was fine, at least they knew the show.
Even by today's standards of television, this show is still highly praise for its comedy but also reminders of war. And as it rests, it is still one of the greatest shows of all time. Watch it. You won't regret it.
The Big Valley: Cage of Eagles (1967)
Made an exception....
I never watch this show or any ones like it. I'm not much of a western or country person; I lived in the country, I don't have to see it on TV. Anyway, I was browsing through Pernell Roberts videos online and I say to myself "let's give it a shot." I'm happy I did. :) This is perhaps one of the great performances by Pernell Roberts. His Irish accent is to die for, his passion is beyond excellent. He honestly got into character during this episode and you can't help but feel his pain for the struggles the character goes through.
The acting by the other characters were great as well but for this episode (and make note that I do not watch this show at all whatsoever; I cringe when it comes on) Pernell Roberts really shines. If you don't watch any other episodes,watch this one. You will not regret it.
Bonanza (1959)
I never grew up with Bonanza... in fact I only recently started watching some episodes. For its time it must have been a great show, but for today's standards it's not. However, I'm only watching the episodes with Adam Cartwright (Pernell Roberts) just because my mother liked him and I like him now.
I will admit that I haven't watched a whole lot of episodes. TvLand is a channel I no longer get so I'm depended on Youtube for my source. Automatically you can tell it's a slightly corny show and not the mention the scenery but again it's an OK show. Not my favorite and I'm not an obsessed fan but let's say if it happens to come on, I wouldn't change the channel. It's a wholesome show that brings back the memories of cowboy days from when I was a child (even though those days consisted of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans...) I have read reasons as to why Pernell Roberts left the show, and honestly as I look at it, he does have a point, a very good point at that.
All in all however it is a decent show. By today's standards there will be a different viewpoint but I'm sure that today's generation can stand to watch it every now and then.
Trapper John, M.D. (1979)
Bring back Trapper John!
I adore this show, coming from a M*A*S*H fan of many years. It's a great medical drama and really should have gotten more recognition. I watched a few re-runs with my dad a few years ago because I was interested and he watched it (my mother was a fan of M*A*S*H too but she never watched Trapper John) and I adored it from the beginning! Of course the main leading men are not that bad looking either. ;) Gregory Harrison and Pernell Roberts are some team!
Either way, this show is great and really should be brought back to re-runs so everyone can remember it. There is so much horrible shows (mainly reality TV..*cough* Jersey Shore) that they really should consider putting a good show on the air. And on DVD... that would be so much better. This show ran for 7 years, why is it not on DVD? It deserves it.
Meet the Browns (2009)
Meet the Stupid
As I said on the "House of Payne" site, I like Tyler Perry. But I do believe this show is beyond dumb.
I'm sorry but Mr. Brown's character is very stupid. I know people who are not the brightest but this takes the cake, no one is this slow and this ridiculous. For example, The Colonel is a Vietnam War vet hence why they call him the Colonel but in one episode Mr. Brown after calling him this all this time thinks 'vet' is meaning 'veterinarian' in this case.
I will admit, Mr. Brown's outfits are very colorful and the only funny part of the show. His combinations are very unique and out of it that that you have to laugh. Once again though, there is too much 'baby' in like every other sentence between the spouses. I draw the limit at that. It's very annoying and irritating to hear that every five minutes.
Also, I'd like to add: does anyone know any nurse or medical staff who wear heels and nice dresses on the job? Me neither but in this show, it is the way of the world. Sasha, wears it all the time. No scrubs, no sneakers, just nice heels and a dress. Guess there's not a lot of emergencies at this hospital.
House of Payne (2006)
House of Payne? Yes.
I actually made an account on here just to post my review for this show. First off, I like Madea by Tyler Perry, I think they're funny. This isn't. Every time I watch this show, there is always someone calling people 'baby.' "Baby what do you think you're doing?" "Baby you outta your mind!" Next time you watch this show, count how many times you hear it, it's endless and annoying. NO ONE calls their spouse/partner 'baby' that much. That goes with it's partner show 'Meet the Browns' (I'll get to that in a minute).
I do think it's creative,and I do like that they do address real issues that go on in the world just like any other Tyler Perry production. but also unreal at the same time, the little girl Jazmine should be smacked because of her smart mouth at that age. It isn't funny, it's very very annoying and rude.
This to me is a huge disappointment... no surprise coming for TBS.