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IMDb member since June 2004
Repossessed (1990)
Hilarious, I loved it!
27 June 2004 - 10 out of 15 users found this review helpful.
A great spoof of a classic movie, with a lot of 'one liners' from other movies. You may have to watch close to catch some of them. This movie also makes light of televangalists and the catholic church, but is in no way what I would call 'disrespectful' or sacrilegious. The fact Linda Blair reprises her role in this spoof makes it all the better. Its very 'campy' and some would say 'stupid'...but my family loved it, that includes my husband, who is a minister. It has the classic humor and campiness of other Leslie Nielsen's movies, complete with the props and literal actions of some of the lines. If you like other movies Nielsen has done, this is a 'must see'!
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