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Earth at Night in Color (2020)
Episode 1 Same story, same posh British colonial accent.
I hope the next episodes will bring something new.
Episode 1 was a huge let down.
Same lion story we have been hearing and watching since the mid 80s, all drama built in in camera with nothing really happening, same voice of a posh Cambridge elite London raised actor, not bringing any diversity or even try to move away from colonialistic approach of documentary Filmmaking.
I hoped that Apple and Offspring would have brought us something better, fresh and more exciting.
Footage are cool, but Night on Earth already broke the barriers of night vision and gave us the first wow.. So this as a second version should have brought more indepth stories, a different perspective and the maturity that night on earth may have missed, but unfortunately it did not.
I'll keep my hope high for the next episodes, but bad plan to start with the most unexciting subject.