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Lethal Weapon: One Day More (2018)
Season 2, Episode 22
Tough to rate this episode
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
On one hand, this is a great episode, on the other, it is the worst episode ever. I enjoyed the interaction between Damon and Clayne, hate or love, they played off each other really well. This made the show work and made this episode great.

Now, if the actors really couldn't get along, couldn't find a way to be professional and move past differences, okay, end the series. Simple as that, especially when Lethal Weapon is 100% about Riggs and Murtaugh, not Murtaugh and whoever comes along. I'd feel the same if they fired Damon, making it Riggs and whoever comes along. It didn't work.

This is nothing against Seann William Scott, he was not the problem. Them trying to make Cole basically Riggs, but not Riggs, was the problem. It just didn't work.

As for the way they ended this episode, as others have stated, they gave Riggs his happy ending, finally he was moving on from his wife's murder, finally he found, and accepted, love again. If this was to be his last episode, this was the way to send him off, but no. They had to be spiteful. That is what the ending felt like to me, which was before I knew Clayne Crawford had been fired, it felt like someone wanted to really get back at him for something. After searching, I found out why, and that my feeling was spot on.

I have watched the last season, it was okay, but honestly? They should have simply ended the series when they fired Clayne.
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Mom (2013–2021)
Mostly a correction
1 May 2022
To the person who says: "I was treated to a story about a 40 year old woman and her elderly mother buying a house together." Clearly, you have never watched the show. Anna Faris/Christy, was 37. Allison Janney/Bonnie, was 54 (hardly "elderly"). And they never tried to buy a house together.

Seeing reviews like this is frustrating, because it is obvious they never watched and are only reviewing to turn people away from what they have been told is a bad show. Second hand hate.
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A Gingerbread Romance (2018 TV Movie)
It just doesn't work
18 November 2021
It's not really the fault of the leads, it's the attempt to pretend the pregnancy doesn't exist. This isn't as bad as Jen Lilley in: Paris, Wine and Romance 2019 (she looked like a small child in large adult clothes), but it's close. Trying to hide the pregnancy with clothes, never works. And I think the actors are too aware of the pregnancy, so they come off a bit stiff and uncomfortable.

Now, if they would incorporate the pregnancy into the movie, that could work. Yes, I am suggesting a pregnant woman finds love with a man who is not the father of her child. Perhaps she is divorced or widowed, she doesn't have to be... "loose". :D In that story, the actors could feel more natural because they wouldn't be trying to pretend there is no baby, while trying to not squish the baby when they hug/kiss. :D.
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Ghost Whisperer: Don't Try This at Home (2007)
Season 3, Episode 2
Takes me back to my childhood
20 September 2020
We did the whole Bloody Mary thing, as well as Mary Worth, during slumber parties, in the dark, always creepy. No wonder I had such a fear of the dark as a child. ~lol~

xredgarnetx says: "Sound familiar? It should. It's CANDYMAN in drag, and the episode does a pretty good job of reworking the Candyman mythos."

No, it's Bloody Mary, which predates Candyman by centuries.
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Very, Very, Valentine (2018 TV Movie)
Enjoyable enough
1 February 2020
A problem I have with these movies, are the little mistakes, most of which have been mentioned. One that hasn't been mentioned, was glaringly obvious in this one. Why, when they have been friends for years, didn't Helen recognize Henry's handwriting? Friends that I have known for that many years, I know their handwriting, if they give me an unsigned card or a gift, I know who it is and don't thank someone else.

Other reviewers here have commented on Danica McKellar's long hair. Why shouldn't she have long hair at any age? If it looks good (and it does), and mostly, if she likes it, that is her choice. Just because a woman reaches a certain age, doesn't mean she has to automatically chop off her hair.

linda-plant2 lamented that Damon Runyan should get the girl for a change. Off the top of my head, he got the girl in: 'One Starry Christmas' 2014. They do seem to give their corral of actors/actresses each a chance at getting the girl/guy. So hang in there, I'm sure he will get the girl again.
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Paris, Wine & Romance (2019 TV Movie)
It wasn't the pregnancy, it was the designs!
7 July 2019
I would have given this another star or two if it hadn't been for the outfits they put on Jen Lilley. As has been noted, yes, heavier women, pregnant women, all women are beautiful, so they should have let her be beautiful, but no. They put some outfit on her with huge shoulder pads and everyone called that an amazing outfit. That look was not amazing in the 80's. She looked like a tiny child in an oversized coat.
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