Flight Risk (2025)
Decent switch your head off and enjoy movie
Better than a lot of people make out. Don't expect Oscar worthy action and you get a decent middle of the road popcorn movie. Acting is decent and mark whalberg and topher grace do a decent job of carrying the film along. Plot is ok and as I said worth a watch . Don't expect the world but do expect an action film with some suspense. I thought the action could be improved and the storyline is along other film stories but the actors seem to give it their best and make it work. All in all a good remove your brain and don't expect the world enjoyment. I rate mark whalberg and think it's done no one any harm career wise .
Culprits (2023)
Decent crime drama
Really enjoyed this series which had a good balance of back story building and present day action with the story flitting between the past and present while keeping the viewer in the dark as to who did what and who is double crossing who along with who is good and who is bad but the only thing that let it down was casting Eddie Izzard on a gangster type role as all I can see Eddie as is Tony P from The Mystery Men movie which I s a shame. But overall an entertaining watch which kept me intrigued to the end . The acting was good and kept me watching until the end . Some really good parts in particular with Nathan Stewart-Jarrett showing a good range in acting and why he will be a bigger star in the future.
Black Adam (2022)
So so poor
Wanted to like this film but it is so poor.
Storyline terrible
Acting mediocre
Special effects are abysmal.
I cannot believe this got made.
I like Dwayne Johnson but even he couldn't lift the lame lackluster script. So disjointed and not sure whether it wanted to be comedy or action or serious so just ended up being a mashed up mess.
Pierce Brosnan should be ashamed
The amount of copied parts from marvel movies and storylines was hilarious With everything from ant man to Deadpool being included it was an absolute sham. I'm yet to see a quality DC movie which does the comics etc justice. I'll give Shazam 2 a go instead lol.
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Better than expected
Not too bad. Better than some reviews say. Story not original but played well by Jackson and rock. Hopefully they end it here but it was a good idea but not executed as well as it could have been .
The Gentlemen (2019)
Enjoyable if slow at times
Really enjoyed this film and it's nice to see guy Ritchie back to his old stomping ground of a good gangsta film.
Plenty of twists in the story and well acted. Really enjoyed Hugh grant and Charlie Hunnams characters .
Doesn't quite reach lock stock standards but is enjoyable .
Starts a little slow but it's all about fleshing the story and characters which works as further through the movie the pace picks up and builds to a good solid conclusion.
Overall a good gangsta flick with a bit of comedy thrown in for good measure
6 Underground (2019)
Switch ya brain off and enjoy
A good rip roaring action movie from start to finish.
Ok the plot is all over the place along with a lot of the camera work and the story itself flits from present to past and back again very clunkily but all that said the action scenes are brilliant and the main characters are likeable and entertaining.
A lot of the movie is far fetched but if you watch it for what it is, which is a good put ya brain to one side action yarn then you won't be disappointed. A fun film with some great one liners and stunts
The Good Place (2016)
Truly enjoyable with laugh out loud moments along with ethical logic. What's not to love.
And Janet rocks !!
The Predator (2018)
Spy kids meets aliens
Soooo disappointing this film when I had such high hopes . Poor story , terrible acting and a massive lack of direction.
The Strain (2014)
Started well then plateaued
I enjoyed this series and found the majority of the episodes interesting enough but it fell into the trap of other series such as Sons of anarchy whereby each episode resembled the previous weeks as in the bikes were replaced by zombies. You know the type where each week the bikers rode into another gang had a big fight and stole their drugs. With The Strain each episode was a few heroes trying to get weapons etc to defeat the master and ending up fighting a host of zombies and getting in peril but managing to escape in the nick of time.
With that said if you can get over the repetitive scenes then the story is quite good and moves along at a good pace. The good thing too is that they didn't drag it out over too many seasons like a lot of series do so I didn't get bored . On the whole a well constructed and thought out series