
2 Reviews
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Didn't need the B (A?) Plot
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited for this movie. I love Kristen Wiig, and so this buddy vacation movie seemed like the perfect thing to help cure my sadness from not being able to vacation this past year.

However, the plot with the villain wanting to blow up the town was just stupid. I get you need some antagonist to make a story, but it ruined the vibes of the movie and made it at times seem like 2 different movies. Frankly it made it seem like Barb and Star weren't the real stars of the show! It really detracted from what the movie could've been. This was like if "Bridesmaids" had had a random super villain in it- it wouldn't have worked. The magic of it was in the internal conflict. I think if this villain plot was scrapped and turned into a much lower-stakes conflict it could've been a fantastic film. More of a focus on the actors' wonderful comedic performances (who knew Jamie Dornan could be funny like that?) would've been nice to see.
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The Good Place- The Greatest Finale
1 February 2020
Wow. This might be one of the best finales of any series ever. As sad as I was to let go of this incredible show after 4 years (and I started bawling about 10 minutes into this XL episode and kept crying til the end), I was left feeling at peace with how things wrapped up. Whatever your beliefs are, this show made you feel like there really was some good in this world and that we should not fear whatever comes next after this life. I definitely think The Good Place will live on and become one of those timeless series that we'll watch over and over again.
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