
112 Reviews
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Black Doves (2024– )
10 January 2025
There is this amazing women called Helen, a spy, also known as a Black Dove, hence the title of the series. But you do not see her a lot. For some reason the most of the time you see the (sexual) expedites of Sam, a sort of colleague of Helen.

Overall series produced by Netflix are of high quality, but it seems that Netflix is taking more the easy way. If a story is not compelling enough it overdoes a very long and detailed character build to fill the episodes. In this case the result is a promising first episode with nice action but from then on it goes downhill, Sam is introduced and the focus is all on him, diners with his friends, tet-a-tetes with his friends etc., boring as watching grass grow.

We all stopped watching after episode three, it was too much to stomach, so sadly this whole series was a huge waist of time.
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DMZ (2022)
so flawed
15 July 2024
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Warning: Spoilers
This show is zo flawed, the story does not make any sense at all, after eight year of war they still wear the newest clothes, are perfectly healthy, children are also wearing the newest clothing, run around and survive at ease, it all is so stupid. And then she gets hurt but the next day she is healed. And everyone are carrying guns but hardly ever used one.

While there is ample energy some live in luxurious homes. Then there is also all kind of electronic music on the streets, also with no problems at all.

Then there is that faction of women who control all of the water and seem to het away with it while there are 20+ gangs armed to the teeth

But, I stil keep hanging on the clothing, the main character changes like 5 times aan hour and yes, brand new clothing all the time.

So to conclude, this show is hard to stommic.
12 Strong (2018)
Is this a joke? Like watching Seinfeld as an action hero.
5 March 2023
It is very, very hard to take this movie serious. Chris Hemsworth is better casted in a comedy. They even better had Seinfeld to play his part, that would be way more convincing. Furthermore, to make a movie believable, it's always in the details. Why do these soldiers, the best there are, do not have goggles on to prevent sand and shot of rocks from landing in their eyes? And then there are some poorly executed 'award-winning' scenes where Hemsworth does some sort of monologue where he does a speech about something, but the problem here in is that it's so unbelievable I even started laughing, totally not the meaning of the scene, but so unavoidable. Just like the scene in 'Babylon' where the main character get's laughs in the his most serious scene.

Then the action scenes, average, to much closeups, nothing special. So sum it up, if you have the choice for another movie, better watch that one, like "All Quiet on the Western Front" or whatever war movie, everyone is better then this movie.
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When your get through the beginning it gets better
26 December 2022
The Witcher: Blood Origin will follow the story of the first Witcher, who lives in a kingdom on the continent of The Continent. The show will explore his journey as he discovers his powers and navigates a world filled with magic, monsters, and political intrigue. The story is set in a pre-industrial world, where humans, elves, and other creatures co-exist in a state of uneasy peace.

The show will also explore the divide between the humans and elves, as well as the power struggle that ensues. Viewers will be taken on a journey full of thrilling action, unexpected twists, and powerful characters. The show will also bring to light the effects of war and the consequences of power, as well as the importance of family and friendship.

Yes, the series is tough in the beginning, a very confusing story and very many swaps between the main characters. But when you get through you will like the characters and understand the story.
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Entertaining, but pretentious.
11 October 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
This series is pretty entertaining, effect are good, a bit unclear story, nice fights but the main problem is that this series takes itself far to serious. Every line if they give a speech to a huge audience. And everything is so heavy, no light talks of events, everything so very serious.

The series self is a prequel to the movies, and instead of a ring, there is a sword with powers that gives the owner dark thoughts. "Rings of power", well, I have not seen one ring in the series, but perhaps someday they will appear. In comparrision to the other blockbuster if this moment, House of The Dragon, this movie falls in the shadow of the letter one.
Resident Evil (2022)
Voting up side down, this series is not so bad
17 July 2022
Usually there is a fair amount of movies loaded with fake votes and reviews on IMDB. With this movie is seems the other case, some individual or social network group has it in their mind to destroy this series with thousands of 1 star votes an terrible reviews, most likely because this series diverts somewhat from the movies.

I can reassure you, this series is not nearly as bad as the fake review say, there are times it drags, but overall the specials effects and decors are good, the acting is decent, just watch 2 episodes and judge for yourself.
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A good motivation to stop with all social networks.
29 April 2022
Personally, I stopped using all social networks about 10 years ago, even then I already thought wtf, but couldn't just quit get what is was.

Till I saw this docu, and the sad realization then things became to complex came over me. People indeed think they do good by reposting something somebody did wrong, or do it just to insult someone, whatever the reason, bot and the social network algorithms make sure the news is shared to as many people as is can, just for the advertising income. People's suffering has become big business, just see this docu.

I still do not think I miss 1 thing about social networks.
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Only a 94 min ad for Ultra
18 February 2022
What disappointing, this should be the history of dance? It only focuses on Martin Garrix (the young) and Carl Cox (the old ans obsolete) and their appearance on Ultra. This all is so wrong in so many ways, I do not even know where to start, there is so much they let out. Looks like Ultra has rewritten the Dance history to a single event, it is so insulting. Yes, Dance did not drop out of the sky, it has a history, but far more interesting then depicted here. You had Rock & Roll then The Sixties/ hippies, then HipHop, Rap, Break Beat and then finally House appeared, first in 3 flavors, Hardcore, Techno and Trance, from that 50+ House styles appeared like Drum & Bass (Jungle), even the Germans have their flavor of Techno called Schantz. EDM is the latest, and by my opinion, the worse style ever invented. It doesn't matter if you hear Tiesto or Garrix or Skrillex or Harris, it's all the same, exactly the same, and it's all for the big mass, and most DJ's do and cannot not mix live, they only play their prerecorded set. Sadly it is hard to find a movie that is truthful because everyone want his/her name in the history books. "30 jaar Dutch Dance bij de VPRO" it the closest we will ever get to a little inside and history of this movement. But "What We Started" is a huge disgrace and very, very insulting.
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Strong movie, but has no connection to the series
13 February 2022
The first season of De Luizenmoeder was an unexpected hit in The Netherlands. It was funny and pointed out all the good and bad of the parents and children, the showing off of parents on the schoolyard, being tricked into a playdate etc. The second season, in my opinion, was rushed, the subjects were good but the execution led a lot to be desired, bit of a letdown.

And then this movie comes out, has no connection to the series, 1/3 of the cast is not present anymore and the movie is not only a comedy, it had turned into an 1/3 comedy, 1/3 drama and 1/3 warning for the electronic future.

The scenery is very realistic, a new manager that says "we do it together" but that is, also in real life, almost never true. The new manager does not even listen to his subordinates, but finds them a burden. Electronics are forced for the sole reason that others also do it and you cannot stay behind or you will look foolish, no discussion is possible if it's helpful of devastating.
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Snowpiercer: The Tortoise and the Hare (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Can't make heads or tails of it
27 January 2022
What happened with this series? I had to watch the season 10 episode again and still have no idea what's going on. It is very unclear if something is now or if it's a flashback.
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Would be way better without the fake incidents.
24 January 2022
A very huge shame. This series has a huge potential, buying a terrible house, fix it and sell it. The reward for the viewer is the satisfying difference between begin and end and tips and tricks about house improvement. But, and that's a huge but, they stage all kind of disasters and accidents, completely unbelievable and totally unnecessary, a huge shame. Always a camera pointed right at the accident, like the episode where their truck loses a granite kitchen piece, what "luck" the camera's were rolling.

I really hope they see this comment, lose the fake parts, real life series are enough unreal as they are.
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Best Ghostbusters ever
9 January 2022
This movie is as solid as a rock. The directing is straightforward: some terrible event, intro characters, main story, but is is very effective and very well done. The special effects are very good, lots of jokes, I cannot imagine a single person who does not like this movie. The references to the original are modest and just enough the original actors even appear. If you are disappointed because of the 2016 Ghostbusters, don't, this movie is not like that in any way.
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Very cheap production
29 December 2021
I love the Reno series, I even enjoyed Reno 911! Miami. I had the chance to see this movie at the International Corona home festival. The movie starts with a couple of good puns, and then it gets worse, they cannot hide the cheap decors, thin story and lightly funny jokes, but the cast is trying to make it a watchable movie. I hear this movie is about to be played in the theaters, but I cannot recommend to go, its not worth your money.
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Pretty terrible
7 November 2021
This movie revolves, and now I'm lost, normally in my reviews I know the plot of a movie, but in this case the only plot is shooting and putting as much music in a movie as possible, still the movie should be about some bad dude who want revenge for something nobody knows and cares..

Seeing that the movie has no story whatsoever I found it very annoying to watch, too the point that I turned the movie off. Netflix has a bad reputation when it comes to making movies, their latest, Army of the dead was terrible, Project Power had so much potential but failed in giving that, Triple Frontier was boring and so on and on, and at the bottom of the pit Rim of the world and Vampires vs the Bronx. So it is fair so say Netflix does not now how to make a good movie, and "The Harder they Fall" is a pretty good example of that. No story, terrible casting, not worth anyone's time to watch.
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Dune (2021)
Great movie, but lacks out on some points
31 October 2021
I just love the cult classic Dune of 1984 and was afraid this remake would not live up to that standard. I was not disappointed, great cast, very good special effects and entertaining. If you know the story you know that the 'spice' is used for space travel, without it it is not possible. This movie lacks that it does not show the space travel with the spice, where the 1984 edition did, that was fairly disappointing. But the positive side on the 2021 version is that the story is explained much better. So overall, even if you love the 1984 version, or did not see any Dune movie/series ever, this movie is worth your while.
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Better then I feared
28 October 2021
This series is just fun, brainless (no pun intended) fun. This movie revolves around a scientist that wants to create the perfect soldier, but that does not go according to plan. The acting is not bad, but the effects are really great and let's not forget the amount of humor.

Want a daily 30 minutes of mindless entertainment? Then this series is the right one for you.
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The Cleaner (2021– )
Hoped for more content and humor
27 October 2021
This series revolves around a crime scene cleaner, where in every episode he remains at a particular crime scene and has a comical conversation with the resident at that place. The conversation is quit plain, almost boring, with a few jokes in between, I really hoped for more, but it is what is is, not the worse, but certainly not the best show.
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Last Man Down (2021)
Huge waist of time
20 October 2021
Me 98th review, let me break this movie down. This movie revolves around a guy who hides in the woods to escape some sort of virus disaster. The main characters try to speak English, but fail, sounds like a high school play from an East Europe country. The story is very frustrating, they constantly make the most terrible decisions. The make-up, their beards etc. Look awful, they tried to make it look bad-ass but also failed on that front. I wish they had put their money into the movie instead of the obvious fake 10 star votes, almost 5500 (!!!) of them and almost no 9, 8, 7, etc votes.
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Free Guy (2021)
Good movie, very bad casting
26 September 2021
This if my 96th review. This movie revolves around a RPG game where a NPC is going off-code (script). This is a funny action movie, not to original after "Ready Player One" (witch is a lot better btw), but humoristic referenced to The LEGO Movie, GTA-V and some more and cool action scenes that are totally over the top in a positive way. Bad thing is the casting, the programmer nerd (Joe Keery), totally failed in acting at all, cross-eyed Ryan Reynolds is not funny anymore, stop casting him. So if you can stomach the bad actors you really can enjoy this movie.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
2nd attempt to review
18 September 2021
Have no clue why my first review was removed, I only said Willis didn't do his best in this movie, his acting was bad, but he knew this very well, the decors in the movie were cheap and not convincing, the cgi was made by amateurs, the story very shallow, that this movie is not worth anyone's time to watch. Still true.
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Obsidian (I) (2020)
Saw this disaster by accident
4 September 2021
I was shipped the wrong movie, otherwise I probably would never ever have seen this movie. In this movie there is some sort of half mutilated guy with friends, one even in a wheelchair, who all stay in a house. The main reason to never ever see this movie is the terrible acting. Then there is the fact that there is no story, all in all terrible.
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Great movie with just 1 gigantic flaw
22 August 2021
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Warning: Spoilers
This movie revolves around a space ship/station that harbors the last plants and trees from earth. Then there off course is the threat that those plants and trees are destroyed, evil colleagues etc., all very enjoyable. Just the 1 thing they should have left out is this, in an age where they can build space ship this enormous, they do not know plants and trees need sunlight? So stupid, even for that time.
The Witch (2015)
This is not a movie, this is an experience
21 August 2021
Not your typical gore or slasher of whatever horror movie, this one is of a special class. This movie is not about the action, but about the mental torture the family has to endure making their farm work. The movie hops from one weird incident to the next, always keeping you guessing, the ending is very, very rewarding.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Another blend Disney production brings slapstick overload
21 August 2021
The main problem with Disney production is that they are to brave, no blood, mild action, just boringly brave.

This movie drowns in slapstick scenes, scene after scene someone does something weird, fighting an animal, hanging on a rope, walking on rooftops, walking on branches, walking on ... you name is, it is in this movie, to a point that it is just a ridiculous overload.

What the Pirates of the Caribbean movies make worth it's while is the good balance between action and other scenes, with Jungle Cruise they wrote a childish script, took away all non-action scenes, put it in a blender and shot the movie.
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You like it or hate it
13 August 2021
In the company I watched this movie 2/3 did not enjoy it, 1/3 did. I liked the suspense and nice plot twists. What I didn't like was the out of camera gore, a horror movie suppose to show gore, otherwise what's the point? So overall a nice flick with a lot of killing you do not witness, worth seeing if you do not have a better movie at hand.
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