
4 Reviews
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The Mod Squad (1999)
Low & Boring
11 May 2006
Well, i don't consider myself a film critic, but gee...i think i can distinguish a bad film from a good one...

The only reason I began to watch it was because of the actors plus was midnight and was one of the few films been showed that night on TV...

Anyway, I gave it a try thinking that i will start developing and become sort of interesting, but no, just kept going on one level, didn't build up at all and the "interesting" scenes, weren't that interesting at the actors were uninspired or something with such a dull plot.

Believe me I never rate films so low, but gee... i really felt that was a waste of time, got less hours of my sacred sleeping time...

It's a pity, I believe these actors have a lot of potential to waste it in such films...
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Not what I've expected
9 December 2004
Well, the effects were perfect, no problem at all with that, because somehow were realistic, even the actors were OK, i think, i mean we will never know how could we react in such circumstances, but the way the story goes is totally absurd.

First of all, how handy is to be the only lucky guy in the whole frozen place with a father who knows about the climate, i don't know how many of us will be lucky enough to meet a climatologist to always travel with or to date or marry, just in case that happens to us wherever we are.

Plus why always American films want to have happy endings?, how come that there were survivors?, the trailers showed this kinda apocalyptic scenario; it seemed as a huge tragedy... i mean, sorry for sounding as fatalist as the title of the film but it would make more sense to me that everybody had died at the end, leaving this complete silence for a couple of minutes because of the end of humanity, as silent as it can be outside after a snow storm but then forever and we, the audience being the only witnesses of such possible destiny... that would be certainly shocking and terrifying for that Day after Tomorrow.

Maybe i will do that when i do my own films... Watch it to get entertain, that's it
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Pure Luck (1991)
It can cheer up your day
17 October 2004
Is a great funny film that can cheer up any day of your life and keep you thinking on some of the scenes after it's been finished.

The combination between Danny Glover and Martin Short even when is a bit strange it really works out in a funny way and how the story been such a simple plot can take you from the desert to end up in the waterfalls in the beautiful Mexico.

There is a certain American humor that i can enjoy a lot, this film belongs to that type, because even when is about bad luck and how funny that could be, is never over the top and you are just waiting what would be the next thing to happen.

I didn't stop laughing.
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Sins of the Mother (1991 TV Movie)
Quite obvious
1 October 2004
I think it was a very obvious plot since the very beginning, in spite of the apparent good relation that the guy keeps with his mother to the outside world while is very notorious how possessive the woman is towards the son and how he feels about her doing that.

Plus alternatively some cases of rape to a lot of women, making at least to me, the immediate connection of who was behind it, because we didn't get to know more people that you could believe were other possible "suspects"...yes i know is not an episode of Murder she wrote but a real life story film showing us simultaneously what was going on since the beginning, what to me means a big: BOOOORIIIIIIIIIING if you just want to be right about it, you just need to stay until the whole thing ends.

So you can watch it if you really don't have anything better to do or because you were put into quarantine and there is nothing else showing on TV, otherwise don't...unless you like this type of film.
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