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IMDb member since August 2004
90 Minuten nach Mitternacht (1962)
Terror After Midnight
29 October 2004 - 5 out of 5 users found this review helpful.
I saw this one on a late movie back in 1972. I think it was made about 1960 but brought over to the US around 1962 or so.
The movie has actress Christine Kaufman(a former wife of Tony Curtis) playing a young girl who is kidnapped by a young man(Christian Doermer) who has always been obsessed with her and is looking for revenge for her and her family having rebuffed him.
At the time I had no idea it was a German movie that was dubbed in English as the subject matter made it seem like it could be happening in America.
I never saw it advertised on TV again.
Kaufman made a few more things but has mostly disappeared from the scene, I believe. She never became big in the U.S.
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