
8 Reviews
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12 February 2024
Just a waste of time. Getting angry of almost all main characters, how horrible they are to others. The main character, jeez, what an absolutely horrible person. And I wasn't convinced of her little change in the end. The biggest problem of hers wasn't the bipolar issue, she just was a self-centred ahole.

Talking about the diagnosis; I'm sorry but is this normal how a diagnosis is made in USA? I can't believe it, the doctor asks two only somewhat vague questions, to which the girl answers in a very unsure way, and boom, a bipolar diagnosis is made and IMMEDIATELY heavy drugs are prescribed to her. Unbelievable. What a hack that doctor was.
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The Laundromat (I) (2019)
Incredibly important topic, but a massive mess
23 May 2020
3 stars. Very very important topic but the movie is just a horrible mess. It's a pity since it's always refreshing to see somebody trying to make something really unique, this time it just doesn't work.
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The Bureau: Episode #3.8 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 8
20 May 2020
The writing of the show is unbearably bad, especially this third season. Everybody is so incompetent and many totally idiots who should not be working in espionage outfit at all, it just hurts my head. Ridiculously bad script. This episode got 2 stars from me. First season was borderline on "ok" level, second season, while some called much better, is in fact a bit worse than the first season, and this third season is just awful. Very overrated.
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Saxondale (2006–2007)
Very poor
20 October 2018
I was tricked into buying the DVD set because of the very good reviews here. However, the show is very poor. It's not entertaining, nor funny. I didn't laugh or even chuckle once. Cringed many times. Episode after episode I thought that when is this going to raise to a level that would explain the good reviews here. It never did.

I like Alan Partridge a lot, I have bought all the DVD's and Blu-ray, but not in Tommy Saxondale character. There was just too much of AP in the character. Yet another non-Partridge character/series flop from Coogan.

I'm selling the DVD box. Not worth watching, nor buying.

3/10 stars.
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Gidseltagningen (2017–2019)
Too long and bad script
21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Too long, mostly full of unnecessary and sometimes even horribly jarring and badly acted back stories of several characters that start to annoy very quickly. Also, as the story progress, more and more stupidities of the script starts to annoy and eats the credibility, eventually making the watching of the story unfold painful. I could list major idiotic things but I value my time more.

Last, the political message it gives, or rather pounds it in, I don't like it at all. That giving money to terrorist kidnappers is OK. Shame on the propaganda.

Rather poor series, too long and weak script. 3 stars.
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The X-Files: Monday (1999)
Season 6, Episode 14
31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers

This episode was frustrating to no end. I can't believe the high ratings and that others didn't notice the horrible plot hole.

The problem is that trained FBI agents don't shoot the bad guy when they have the chance, well, they do once but not killing the robber. Instead, again and again and again they allow the robber to flick the detonation switch, which the robber does in plain sight and rather slowly. It's super clear that the bomb/robber doesn't have a "dead man switch", so there's no reason not to shoot him. Stupid. This annoyed the first time it happened.. and then it repeats again and again. By the end of it, I was so pi.. irritated that I cherished that the episode ended.

I love Groundhog Day, it's great, the movie and the concept. This could have been amazing but no, they had to mess it up.

2/10 stars.
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Poirot: The Incredible Theft (1989)
Season 1, Episode 8
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Contains SPOILERS!

Did I miss something or am I just stupid?

The industrialist manor owner whose wife calls Poirot for help gave a secret document to a Nazi sympathizer because the woman was blackmailing him about selling armor to Japanese years back, a case that was dismissed in England though caused a lot of ruckus. But, the leaked document was falsified and misinformation directed at Nazis. Phew. All well and happy faces everywhere, even in Poirot's face.

But wait! What about the fact that now there was concrete evidence against the manor owning industrialist selling the armor to Japanese?!? Poirot was so disapproving when the blackmail letter and the dastardly deed of selling arms to Japanese was revealed, but after the misinformation feeding to the Nazis was revealed, even Poirot was happy. What?!

Again, did I miss something or am I just stupid? Though, this wouldn't be the first time that Poirot's stories, at least in TV form, would have major plot an/or logic problems.
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Poirot: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (1992)
Season 4, Episode 3
5 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers

A somewhat nice Poirot movie but with at least 2 problems with the plot.

1) This can be debated over but to me it seems illogical to assume that A) the blackmailer (the Indian male character) didn't recognize the rich bankers face when he was impersonating the dentist, and B) banker taking a HUGE risk of getting recognized by the blackmailer.

2) This is a BIG problem. I haven't read the book, maybe the author got away with this detail in a non-visual story (book). The shooting of the dentist is ridiculous. A human is shot with a pistol close range. There seems to be only entry wound. No blood or other "material" splatter. The body is dragged to other room. Then the killer, the banker, "services" the Indian blackmailer and injects lethal dose of novocaine and adrenaline. The dentist patient leaves. Then killer drags the body of the dentist back from the other room. The end result however is that the body is found in a pool of blood, which couldn't come from anything other than the victims head bullet wound. Awfully nice of the dead corpse to start bleeding only after many minutes and being dragged around few times. This just doesn't happen in real life. Maybe the author wasn't very knowledgeable with what happens when you shoot someone.. I don't know, you would assume that she would had researched these things, though this wouldn't be the first HUGE error in authors Poirot stories, there's plenty of them, if you're sharp enough. ;)

The reason why the story is so convoluted and made hard to follow, is that the identity of the lady killer has to be kept somewhat secret.. I noticed it early though. :) In a novel there's no problem because we can't see the faces, so when Poirot meets a certain character, he doesn't know how that persons face should look like, but in a movie, we have already seen the character and notice the different face. That's why this movie is made hard to follow.
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