2 Reviews
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From stoner to stunner
11 January 2020
Jay Mewes strikes back! With his first directorial debut, clearly he has been taking notes all these years, or directing is as easy as Kevin Smith makes it look snoogins. A lot of recognizable faces makes this a must see film for anyone who is a fan of Mewes, or tongue in cheek comedy parodies/mockumentery stylized portrayals of real people. Very funny, and smart highly recommend, or recommended if high 😜
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More than just a reboot!
23 December 2019
I've grown up with these characters. Starting with Clerks I was working in a comic shop, and could definitely relate. Mallrats was how I spent my weekends. Chasing Amy got me through my first break up. Dogma converted me from an Atheist, to an Agnostic. Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back taught me that there's a special somebody for everyone. Jersey Girl, and Clerks 2 made me want to be a father. Finally Jay and Silent Bob Reboot closes the circle as a Father of a beautiful little girl, I've never felt closer to these characters! In a world where Star Wars has ruined/killed my childhood heroes, Kevin Smith has grown his characters in a truly relatable way! This movie played every emotion I have, and entertained me more then any Marvel, or DC movie could!
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