
15 Reviews
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Apex (2021)
The bad rating and reviews for this movie are the only bad things here
12 August 2023
I've read the reviews posted here and see most of them are as low as low gets. From putting down the whole movie to saying Bruce Willis didn't give a good performance.

I myself think both were well done, and was. Neal McDonough's performance. I don't get why so many put this movie down.

I the first 10 minutes Willis' performance had me laughing, very comedic. As the move progressed it became very serious and i think all the supporting actors did a good job.

I don't mind being the only viewer to have liked this movie but I do. I think it was well done, well directed, produced and acted.

I only gave it 6 stars because of the violence, which wasn't awful, just not my thing.

If you haven't see it and like either or both of the main actors, give it a try.
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Brings back the Utopian world of Star Trek
30 April 2023
Most of the recent star trek shows have been in a world so dark and bleak. Nothing like the world of star trek I grew up with. This one is clear and positive in what I believe the original creator of the show intended. This captain is a captain. Not a politician or diplomat. He's doing his job even while knowing in the end, for him, it's not going to end well. Unlike Discovery or Picard, this show is positive and gives hope. This show is about the possibility of hope. That until our last breath the future is what we make it.

All of the cast is wonderful and well cast. Some new versions of old character but they work.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
16 April 2023
This is one of the funniest movies I've ever watched, Perfect in every way. I see from other reviews many did not get it or think it is good. I get that, it is not for the simple minded. Much of the humor requires higher intelligence to enjoy. Not every scene is funny and there is an amount of gore and dismemberment. Only a few bad words and blasphemy. It's a fun romp and the characters are great. The bear is even better, so funny. If you liked Lake Placid you might like this. The writer and director both did their job and came up with a movie that's sure to become a cult classic. But to all, never do cocaine.
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The Ark (2023– )
Started mediocre, turned to awful
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like it, I did my best to like it. Dean Devlin has made many good movies but this show is a disaster. Bad gets worse. A few nice space scenic clips but all short. The characters are unrealistic, a constant fight between them when they are all on the same boat/ship. With their constant infighting there's no way any of them will survive. Every now and then is a bright moment mostly it's just stupid with no focus on the real issues people in that situation would be facing. It's a ridiculous waste of time for both the actors who after this will be lucky to ever get another role, and all of us who have taken the time to watch any of this tripe.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
*Spoilers* - don't read if you haven't seen it
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is so rare to see the good guy totally kick the ever, loving cr#p out of the bad guy. I suppose it shouldn't be so satisfying but it totally was. Great to see and makes the whole series worth it.
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9-1-1: Under Pressure (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Good start for a new season
6 June 2022
It's always wonderful to have even studio examples of that some poeple really do for this world. I find shows like this better than the so called real life shows. And also, despite what others have said, I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is a great addition to the cast. I find her in this role heartfelt and sincere.
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Groupers (2019)
Started great, then , ,
25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nicole Dambro was great, wonderful. Then it got stupid and unwatchable. After seeing this I have to agree her brother was the biggest loser ever. I guess the writer/director based it on his own life. Watch the first half hour and turn it off. Nothing good left to see.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
Captain Janeway
23 February 2022
Kate Mulgrew took being a starship captain to a whole new level. Not being a little kid with no cares. Nor being a pompous diplomat.

Captain my Captain.
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Michael Clarke Duncan
2 February 2022
Wonderful movie, I enjoyed it more than I did the books. Michael Clarke Duncan should have got an Oscar. I guess I don't really know what 'hollywood' wants or how they score their own. This movie has nothing but great actors and yet scarcely a nod.
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Togo (2019)
10 Stars isn't enough
17 January 2021
This is a great inspiring movie. Movie making at it's finest. I've never seen a better film and I have seen many.
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No Hate Here
6 April 2020
Fun movie with easy to like characters and most importantly, no hate. No one in this movie hates another or is looking for revenge or payback.

Sonic is easy to sympathize with and Carrey as the bad guy once again shows his versatility. Both of those characters were fresh and new to me. Marsden and the rest of the cast are all upbeat and positive. If you have a tender heart and want to have fun with a movie, this is a good choice.
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9-1-1: New Beginnings (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A shark hanging in front of a firetruck? This season has got me to like the show quite a lot but, wow. That is as bad as bats in antarctica covering solar cells. It was kind of cool, but, seriously?
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Lethal Weapon: In the Same Boat (2018)
Season 3, Episode 1
28 September 2018
Martin Riggs was the Lethal Weapon. He is who all the movies and this tv show is based on. Now Wayans is trying to hijack that going so far as turning the once distinguished Murtagh into a whinning mamma's boy.
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Power Rangers (2017)
12 August 2017
I expected this movie to be another kiddie show with endless, senseless fight scenes, no character development and a body count higher than all of earth's wars put together. However though, I found I could relate to and care for all of the kids and while Rita was a rather typical villain she did express true belief and feeling in her bizarre and twisted behavior.

I think most of the people giving such awful reviews for this should stop and consider that sometimes movies get made for adults. Not just for marvel or dc fan-boys and text addled school kids, but for people who are mature, intelligent and have some life experience behind them.

As for those who think it sends a bad message to kids, I think the opposite. I think it well portrays the fact of life that even though you have made mistakes as a teenager you are still young and capable of great and amazing comebacks. It also shows how little support for their kids modern parents have, believing themselves to be all knowing even though they clearly have no idea what's up with their own kids and in the end make everything worse. Bad parenting starts and ends at home people, get over blaming the movies and everyone else. It's you who set the standards and morals your children grow up with and if they can't watch a movie without it unbalancing their values and self belief, that's your fault.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
The only thing worse than the writing is , , ,
1 July 2011
the acting, no wait, it's the directing, no, it's the effects. Grr, I can't decide.

I usually enjoy the cheap disaster movies but this one is so bad there are no words that do it justice.

The best thing about this movie is reading here what others have said. At least I got some laughs. But the funniest thing is seeing 35 votes for it as a 10 star movie, that is just hilarious. I can only assume everyone who worked on this movie voted 10 though given the number of names in the credits I think the rest of them must be hiding in shame.

I sincerely hope if anyone made money from this waste they gave it to charity because it certainly wasn't earned.
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