
6 Reviews
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I just saw the movie and...
18 November 2005
...this is by far my favourite of the four movies! Not only of the Harry Potter series, but it's my favourite film of all time!!! The third film was great too, but this one was perfect!!! The music was fantastic, I prefer John Williams's soundtrack, but this films one didn't disappoint me in any way. All of the actors acting is brilliant!! The film was also scary, so younger kids beware. The parts that were left out of the book were cleverly weaved around to make the plot workable. My favourite part of the movie was possibly the first task. The dragon chase was scary and amazing. I highly recommend this movie to all!!! The films seem to get better and better with each film. By the seventh film, my life will probably be complete.

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Escape from Monkey Island (2000 Video Game)
Possibly the best of the series.
21 May 2005
I love all the monkey island games, they are all excellent. The first Monkey Island Game (the secret of monkey island) was very funny. The second game was my least favourite, but brilliant. The Curse of Monkey Island was one of the best because it was one of the funniest and better graphics than the first two. But this one was possibly my favourite. It is in CGI, it is very funny and it is also one of the hardest (maybe the hardest). It took me forever to defeat Jojo Jr. at Monkey Kombat, but it was fun. I think Guybrush is funnier than in the first three games. The hardest part of the game is Monkey Kombat. I had to use a walk-through as well as it was difficult.

Overall I would give this game: 10/10. Curse: 10/10 Secret: 10/10 Revenge: 8/10
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Shrek (2001)
No.1 Animation film of all time!!
29 April 2004
In my opinion, not only was Shrek a brilliant movie, it's also my #1 Animation film EVER! (except perhaps Shrek 2 when that comes out). Eddie Murphey is really funny as Donkey! It is my #3 Film of all time, with the Harry Potter movies in front. On the top 250, this is about #136. It should be somewhere like between 10 - 20. As it is so brilliant. These are my top 10 animation films.

1.Shrek 1 2.Monsters Inc 3.Finding Nemo 4.Toy Story 2 5.Toy Story 6.The Emprors New Groove 1 7.The Lion King 1 8.TIE: Beauty and the Beast 1 , Hercules 9.Lilo and Stitch 1

This is a must see for everyone!
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I wish I could be at Hogwarts.
27 April 2004
This is my second favourite film EVER. It wasn't as good as the Chamber of Secrets, but apart from that, it was brilliant! I would give them both 95% (nothings perfect!). If you read my Chamber of Secrets comment, you will see how much I like Harry Potter.

The Philosophers Stone was my #1 film of 2001 and the Chamber of Secrets is my #1 film of 2002. These are my favourite films to this day.

1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2. Harry Potter and the Philosohers Stone 3. Shrek 4. Singing in the Rain 5. The Wizard of OZ 6. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dreamcoat. 7. Monsters Inc 8. Finding Nemo 9. Toy Story 2 10. Toy Story

I dont like Lord of the Rings, Film 1: 3/10, Film 2: 1/10

See it NOW!
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Great Game!!!!
5 April 2004
I really like this Video game, I've got it on Game Boy Color and Advance, PS1, PC and PS2, they are all brilliant. I like the PS2 Version Best, It's one of my favourite EA Games, it was better than the Quidditch World Cup, but not as good as the First game on PS2 (that came out after game 2). The PC Version is good too, better than the first game, the PS1 version is sort of the same as the first game, not as goo as PS2 though, however better, the Game Boy Colour version was good, but the first game was more challenging, this moved a lot smoother. And the game boy advance Version, better than the first game but easier. You must buy this game for PS2, I cant wait for the third game, only 59 days to wait.
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Best Movie in the World!!!!
7 March 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the Best film I have ever seen! My favourite character was Dobby and my favourite part was when Neville said "Why is it always me?" If this film isn't good I dont know what is! There was less than a quarter of much mistakes as there was in film 1. Dobby was sooooooooooooooooooo funny. BAD DOBBY! BAD DOBBY! I don't see one downside to it (apart from the changes from the book of course). Some things are different from the book but they are slightly funnier, for example, the Howler. It was far far better than film 1 and I think it is great for everyone in the world. I can't wait till film 3 on June 4th
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