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Tabara (2021)
It was actually FAR better than expected
29 April 2023
To get it out of the way, the movie is clearly not a 10/10. But so many people rate it 1 just because they're hating on the fame & fortune of people half their age, so i'm rating it a 10 to try and even the score.

The movie does not deserve it's 2.6 rating at the time of writing, i would say it actually should be at least double that, at 5-6.

I came into the movie with expectations of it tu SUCK big time. But alas, it was actually pretty good. The jokes were actually unexpectedly funny, as they were a bit more modern and youthfull, but sort of similar to ones in "Airplane". They weren't on the nose like other Romanian movies. Don't get me wrong, i didn't LOL on any joke, but i chuckled surprisingly throughout the movie. Probably Dorian Popa's cameo was the funniest for me.

Moving on, the sound, score, camera work and imagery setting was extremely nice. It did not feel like a Romanian movie. It felt that if this movie had been in English, it would have been far better received.

For the script part, i loved that they did not go with any stupid romanian stereoptyps AT ALL. The camp where the action takes place, is as far away from a Romanian camp as it can be. The story is only partially original, as similarities can be found with a lot of movies (such as The Faculty)

They specifically moved away from the mistake most recent local movies make, of making fun of how poor, uneducated and corupt we are, which for me, was a great breath of fresh air.

I actually will recommend this movie to friends and family. The only other local movie i've done so recently being "teambuilding"
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