This is History from only a Jewish perspective. This series applauds illegal internal operations by the Moussad and the government of Israel that include forged passports, kidnapping, and murder of former Nazis and Nazi collaborators while it makes a blanket indictment of the Catholic church and all Catholics.
People like Mengele are "diabolical" enough without having a biased, exaggerated script about them in something posing as a documentary.
Just three of many obvious examples: After having heard of the kidnapping and murder of Adolph Eichmann, it is a ridiculous statement to make in this series that Mengele was "paranoid" while in Brazil after having fled Argentina in fear. 17:18
Definition of paranoid: of, relating to, or suffering from a mental illness that causes you to falsely believe that people are trying to harm you.
This series uses bland euphemisms to describe what had to have been torture of Eichmann by the Moussad to get the address of Mengele.
Wiki says "Mengele was a notorious member of the team of doctors". This series makes you believe Mengele was solely responsible for the selection. If he was the one doing all the experiments on the twins he could not also be there at the trains when millions of Jews, gays, Gypsies, etc. were unloaded to select the fate of everyone. His deeds are bad enough that I wonder why the makes of this series feel the need to exaggerate it.
The series says Mengele was narcissistic and that's why he did not get a tattoo that shows his blood type on his arm like all the other SS officers. Maybe he was just smart. They give no other proof as to why they believe he was narcissistic.
We don't need yet another "documentary" that oversimplifies WWII history. We will never learn what makes people do these things if we always reduce them to caricatures.
I would not have fallen for Hitler's BS as he was coming to power. Why should I fall for all this BS now?
The "experts" in the series are full of people whose statements should be suspect: former Moussad agents, civilian Jewish Nazi hunters, authors like Guy Walters of unscholarly books about the Nazis wanting their 15 minutes of fame to promote book sales, people who were young children at the time who say they did not know what was happening because they did not speak German but who did not understand German but later claim they know complex statements things Mengele made verbatim because they knew enough German to understand that, and Gerald Posner, a former lawyer whose "his two major career disappointments" are that he could not get two of his books made into movies. They were not his books about the children of Nazis. He takes a very anti Arab stance after 911 wanting the blame the Saudi royal family for it.
I tis customary industry practice for the producer to list all the cast. IN a documentary type production that would include any "experts" whose statements they include as well as any witnesses whose testimony they include. The only cast this IMDb lists for the Menegele episode is the narrator. Narrators just read a script verbatim into a microphone. If they had a list of the cast it would be too obvious that this sensationalistic explanation of historical events is related through a biased pool of witnesses and experts.
"We thought Hollywood was doing documentaries instead of films"
It's strange that they could not catch these most wanted of all Nazis for decades, if ever, and yet they claim to not only know every detail about everything that happened to them while they did not know where they were, they claim to have known what they felt. Words like bitter, depressed, etc. from 3rd party people who could not have known are descriptions of how Mengele felt. It is never explained how these people who were not witnesses to these things got the information.
I the Eichman episode they never mention that Mengele thought of him as unimportant in the hierarchy but in the Mengele episode they mention it. Seems to me that would have been important to know mengele's opinion which had less reason for lying about Eichman. If so, it would condemn the Israeli government for kidnapping him and hanging him.
The Paul Touvier episode says "it does seem very fishy that everybody who helped the Nazis happened to be connected to the Catholic church"
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