
32 Reviews
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Ad Astra (2019)
Really bad writing...
5 January 2020
Not good at all. The concept & the message is very good but they do not get it across well in the least because of the terrible script. It is extremely boring but not for lack of action, rather for lack of any meaningful narration or dialogue, with the exception of a couple minutes here and there. 90% meaningless, uninteresting, dribble. I love the psychology this was meant to convey but with the exception of a very few minutes at the end, it simply does not do the job, due to poor writing. Pitts acting was good but it wasn't enough to make this snoozer interesting, even with its nauseating camera action and its excessive flashbacks.
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Booksmart (2019)
horrible lead actors - cannot act/show any emotion
2 September 2019
It's sad that such good writing and directing was completely ruined by really bad lead actors. They have almost no affect and are completely unbelievable in everything they say. The lines would have been so funny with good actors but instead you just stare in disbelief that they cast this movie so poorly. The only reason I can come up with that it would win any award or have any good reviews is that it is most likely very young people who like it. They are detached and dont emote so this non-acting style probably seems normal for the young generations. Big disappointment.
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not the worst ever but close enough
7 February 2019
This isnt the worst movie I've ever watched but it is definitely in a small group of the worst movies. The writing is mostly terrible with occassional bouts of mediocracy. The acting is atrocious. It plays like a bad hallmark movie of the week. The directing is laughable as well. The pregnant pauses between lines that don't warrant one are frequent and the overly dramatic deliveries when it didnt build were completely out of place. The very few genuine moments werent even enjoyable because the script and acting didnt match the moment trying to be created with bad actors. The only reason I gave it 2 stars rather than 1 is because I have seen worse...just not many times.
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Peppermint (2018)
14 December 2018
I love Garner - She's a force! Sadly, this movie, though good in concept, was really awkwardly written and directed. It could have been great but there is barely any script to it and the directing is very disjointed where it makes it too obvious that you are watching a piece of film and can't get into the story. The fight scenes are really the only saving grace in this movie (and this is from someone who isn't an action junkie at all). Big Disappointment.
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script wasted....
10 November 2018
It's bizarre but I can't figure out what is wrong with this movie. The writing is HILARIOUS but either the acting or directing or something is so off, that the movie is truly awful. I cant say what it is because I dont know enough about film-making, but it's just painful to sit through. I am a fan of both Keanu & Ryder, but they just dont seem to be able to pull off the fast-talking, very funny rhetoric, in a stream of conscience, convincing way. I just kept thinking throughout the movie, what a tragedy it was, that such a truly funny script was wasted in such a sad way. I dont know anything about the film-maker/director, etc...but I believe he was the writer as well. If he writes another funny script, I hope he sells it to someone capable of making it great. This is the kind of script that Aaron Sorkin should re-make because he could crush it!
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Lovely, unexpected depth....
25 September 2018
GREAT movie. Admittedly it starts just a little slow but is still very interesting to watch. It then picks up and only gets more and more interesting. It's very poetic and even days after you've watched, it stays with you. It is not for the closed minded or for people who only like fast moving action or typical romance movies. It has different outcomes than you'd expect and every bit along the way is very genuine and very well acted by everyone in it! It is very real life and warm while also heart-breaking and lovely. It is full of depth in each and every single character! I watch this over a weel ago and it just keeps popping into my thoughts. Highly recommend it!
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The Post (2017)
bad 1st 1/2, great 2nd 1/2...
22 April 2018
I can see why the bad reviews are there. It takes at least 45 mins for this to get good and I usually bail on a movie by then. I'm glad I stuck with it though, because the second 1/2 is great!! If I were rating the 1st half only, I'd only give 2 stars because it's incredibly boring and uninteresting. I dont need action or tons of excitement, but the writing and acting wasn't even interesting in the 1st half. I gave 6 stars because the 2nd 1/2 was really good!. I stuck with it because I love true stories and the cast so I was forgiving about the 1st half. I'm glad I stuck because it got great!
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so bad...
16 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ridiculously dumb. Artistic filmmaker shows obscene display of narcissistic indulgence. Could not connect with anything in this movie. If you like seeing a human have sex with a fish monster & that seems romantic in some way, or you can grasp an obscure deeper meaning in it all, you may like this. What it seems to lack in connecting, it makes even worse by dragging on endlessly. Was there no editor for this film?
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great cast but poor writing...
16 March 2018
Great acting & one particularly great scene b/t father/son, but overall, the writing was barely there...slightly inane &/or confusing & contrived much of the time. Very little was done to establish the deeply felt feelings the writer expected us to see in the relationship. I love stories like this usually, but this one missed the mark, sadly. They did have good chemistry but the story of their feelings was poorly written. I dont regret watching it, but cannot recommend it either.
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I, Tonya (2017)
16 March 2018
I hate sports & loathe when the olympics are on. I have never had any interest in Tonya Harding or her story. A friend talked me into watching this movie & I'm SO HAPPY I did! It was absolutely hilarious!!! The perfect dark comedy! Everyone did a phenomenal acting job in this & writing was superb!!! Allison Janney deserved Academy award for her performance! It felt like it was more a commentary on life and how your environment effects your future, than it did solely on Tonya's story. Cannot recommend this highly enough! If you don't like this movie, then you dont get or dont appreciate dark humor!
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Home Again (2017)
better than expected
20 February 2018
I'm hit and miss with Witherspoon movies. I like her in a fun, need a vapid relaxation movie kinda way, but this surprised me a little. It's a cute rom com etc as expected but what was a bit different in this is that the boy toy characters actually had depth and were interesting people, which made it much more enjoyable to watch. Not going on a favorite movies list but definitely worth a fun watch on movie night.
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Breathe (I) (2017)
great movie
20 February 2018
Great acting and great story. It wasn't sappy at all. Kept my interest the whole time and didn't drag ever. Strong people who dont take no for an answer. Some humor as well!
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American Made (2017)
Unexpectedly interesting...
20 February 2018
I dont care for Tom Cruise but I love Domnhall Gleeson and that is why I gave this movie a chance. I dont usually try drug related movies because I dont like scary stuff. This was a good surprise. Not my favorite movie ever, but definitely a really good surprise and worth watching. The trailer doesnt do it justice as to the content. It plays like an interesting American History lesson. It's not scary and it even has a bit of good humor. Recommended.
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typical religious magical turnaround story...
20 February 2018
I give two stars for the great cast but you've seen this movie in spades for years. If you love movies that always end with a resolve based on magical thinking, you'll love this. But, if you like reality based movies, you'll be disappointed. Great cast but you might as well be watching a movie on the Hallmark channel.
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Movie Perfection!
4 October 2015
This movie keeps playing on HBO and although I don't normally rewatch movies, I've now seen this one apx 7-10 times and enjoyed it immensely every time! Start with the cast…it is phenomenal, even the small parts were filled with great actors. The writing is moving, on point, and absolutely hilarious throughout the entire film! I laughed until I cried over and over! The characters are very believable and the actors seems like they are really related. Anyone can find parts of this movie to relate to. It comes across as very genuine and real. You are actually able to suspend reality and feel like they are real people, not simply characters in a movie. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes a good movie, be it comedy, drama, family etc. Laugh out loud funny!!!
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The Last Kiss (2006)
excellent writing!
23 April 2015
I don't know how this could have anything but an excellent rating! This movie is so well written, directed, and acted! It is so realistic and true to everyday relationships and the true nature of them and how we react to them, and in them. As a middle aged woman, I can truly relate in part to nearly every single character in the movie, and appreciate their perspective! It is also full of hilarious rhetoric between friends! The emotion, whether happy, sad, sexy, etc. is entirely believable and well acted and draws you in to caring about the relationships, as well as relating to all of them in different ways. I enjoyed every minute of this film, including the out of the ordinary, but extremely fulfilling ending. Each actor did a fantastic job, and with this cast, that isn't surprising. As much as I appreciate the authenticity and realism in this movie, the humor is equally enjoyable. Very witty, moving, funny, sad, everything you could ask for in a great movie! I wish more people wrote like this!
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
epic let down..
6 January 2015
I've read great review after another for this film. I was very excited to get to watch it finally and I love Ethan Hawke & Patricia Arquette, so I fully expected to love it as well. It was an EPIC let down for me. At first it was so awful, I just wanted to stop the movie. The writing is uninteresting to say the least. But more than bad writing, the filming style or editing (not a film person so not sure which) was horrible! There are absolutely no indications or transitions between scenes - even ones that skip ahead many years. At 36 minutes into the movie, there was finally a scene that was watchable (without horrible child acting and constant screaming). It was a good scene but no better than any other movie with a decent scene. I kept watching to try and understand what the hype is all about but throughout it all, there was apx. 20 mins or so of decent watchable dialogue and acting. There were a couple of touching, father and son scenes - but again, no better than an average movie with the same type of scene (and likely better writing). The whole time you are watching it, you are thinking about the making of it, as opposed to getting into the movie. My conclusion: I think its one of those cool things some film maker tries that is new or different (filming it over the years with same actors as they grew up), so people rave on and on about it. But bottom line is that the writing and directing was extremely weak and most of the actors in it were weak as well. It was an interesting concept and storyline that was horribly executed….and for 3 hours of it, ugh!
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25 November 2014
"WISH I WAS HERE"………... One of the most perfectly written, directed, and acted movies I've ever seen. Not the funniest movie ever and not the most dramatic movie ever, but plenty of funny and drama! Zack Braff is a phenomenal writer! He is so good at making it seem like real life. You lose yourself in it and forget you are watching a movie - just feels like it's happening in front of you live. I literally could not think of one single thing that I would change about this movie! Mandy Patinkin is fabulous as always! All the supporting cast was truly great! Even Kate Hudsons acting was superb (and I have never thought highly of her acting before - must be his direction that helped her to shine). I just truly loved this so very much! Zack Braff is such a great film maker!!
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I loved it!
5 November 2014
I haven't had a movie touch me this much in ages - I loved it so much, the second it was over, I wanted to re-watch it! Funny, charming, screwed up, cynical, optimistic…it has everything. Greg Kinnear is fabulous as always but the entire cast also did a really great job! Without giving anything away, there were many different and interesting stories going on in their lives and I loved witnessing all the individual stories and how things effect us all in different ways. There was some humor but most of the humor is stuff that you just appreciate and get a kick out of, as opposed to laugh out loud type humor. Characters, story, directing, acting…I didn't find a single fault in any part of this movie. I'll be adding it to my favorite movies list!
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Selfie (2014)
just awful!
30 September 2014
I thought this would be a cute, modern sit-com with all the silliness we have now in our technology. I went in with an open mind. I love John Cho nd think he is always great in any role. That said, he isn't enough to make this show even remotely entertaining. The lead actress (someone I had no previous opinion of) is truly an awful actress. That really really bad kind where each word and gesture she makes seems contrived as if she is thinking, now I should make this face or sound to act like I'm feeling this/that way. The writing is lazy and unfunny. I tried to find something in it to like in order to give it a second chance in the next episode but I really could not find anything remotely entertaining in it. Just really bad writing and acting and not the least bit funny or cute.
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The Mysteries of Laura: Pilot (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
so contrived
17 September 2014
I was excited to see a good cast and looking forward to seeing this show. Huge disappointment - Even if you can ignore all the noise - which is hard to do (constant kid screaming) and sound editing that is way too loud in chase scenes, etc. Messing was great in Will & Grace but it has become clear over the years and especially in this show that she needs to stick to comedic acting. Her dramatic acting is so contrived and with writing that is incredibly contrived, it only makes things worse. Her partner isn't a very good actor either - the only person even remotely believable in the cast is Enrico Colantoni. It takes some bad writing and directing to take actors that are previously loved and make you not at all interested in them. It is predictable, over-acted, contrived, relying on typical tools like regurgitating old shows characters and stories, loud chase scenes, noise to show chaos, rather than allowing the acting to portray chaos, etc. Overall, just nothing worth watching. Sad too, because I was excited about it.
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Red Band Society (2014–2015)
Really charming...
17 September 2014
I wasn't sure what to expect so I had no opinions going in. I was pleasantly surprised by the show overall. The cast (with exception of cheerleader actress) all seem good and a few are really great! Love the nurse & the doctor & the eccentric rich guy! The kids do a good job of being real and sweet, while also being kids (and all that entails). I like the angle with the coma guy - its an interesting way they approach it. I think this is one of those shows that will only get better and better as the series runs along and the actors get to know each other and develop their characters more. I found it to be really charming! I like that it isn't too fast paced with stupid extras like weird camera tricks and things that so many other shows rely heavily on these days. The script and the acting/directing, etc. carry the show fine on their own. I cant wait to see next weeks - I will be adding this one to my TV lineup. Recommended to people who like shows with heart and substance, over those with action & scary junk.
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Worst movie in 20 years
2 September 2014
Even w/Paul Rudd (I love), this movie w/a bunch of talentless SNL cast members is the worst movie I've seen in 20 years! Seriously, wouldn't even give it ½ a star. I feel offended to have spent a $1 on it via Redbox. I cannot believe these people of such high acclaim and success read the script & liked it. Only rationalization I can think of for them doing this horrible film is that it must have been a favor for a friend. We get it's a parody but the writing is beyond terrible and there wasn't one solid laugh at all in the whole thing. It is meant to be really dumb in the way dumb and dumber is but without actually being funny at all. You just stare at the screen thinking about why these actors would allow this on their resume. Just Awful!
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Black Box (2014)
24 April 2014
This was truly the worst pilot TV show I've ever seen. The writing is very weak and silly but the worst part of the show is the actress who plays the main character. She is once of the worst actresses I've seen in ages. She pouts everything she says and speaks in this sort of baby-whining voice. She is utterly unbelievable in every part of the script she is acting out. It is so bad, it makes you think its a case of someone giving a role because of nepotism or something similar. She fails at delivering a single line believably. Even her body actions are bad and unbelievable. On a more shallow note, they also expect us to find her attractive because they call her beautiful. Its doesn't matter, but she is wholly unattractive. I feel badly for bi-polar people, for writers, for actors, for directors, etc who watch this disaster from their unemployed couches. Please cancel this immediately.
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At Middleton (2013)
15 April 2014
This is a very cute movie. It has a lot of humor scattered throughout. Not pee your pants funny but relatable humor in life's adventures and experiences. There are some very funny moments though. There are a couple times wherein it seems just a tad on the slow side but not enough to make you lose interest. Make sure to watch the out-takes on DVD, some of them are pee your pants funny. It is very well acted. Each character is interesting and you can relate to each of them in a very real way. Parents faced with kids going off to college and kids faced with any parental issues will find this movie easy to relate to. Spencer LoFranco & Taissa Farmiga both seem to be great up and coming talents. This isn't a perfect movie but it is a fun & touching one to watch!
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