8 Reviews
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13 January 2021
I thought this was like a Larry Clark film at first and I started watching it and was sucked in. Funny and fun.
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20 December 2020
I don't get the hate for this movie. I thought it was a pretty good sequel. Freddy looked his creepiest in this one.
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This was one of my childhood favorites
15 December 2020
I remember watching this all the time as I kid. All I remembered was kids sneaking on a plane and seeing Santa. Took me years on the internet to find out what is was. Just stumbled on it tot day on Amazon Prime. Totally took me back and now I realize all those bits and pieces about his parents I forgot about(the entire plot) lol
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One of my favorites.
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved this movie since it scared me as a kid in 1987. So underrated. It's the perfect blend like a combination of Carrie, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Awesome cast. The locker kill is the best. Definitely recommend. It needs a Blu-ray release!
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Overnight Delivery (1998 Video)
I love this movie.
18 June 2020
It's so underrated and super cute. Reese Witherspoon is great and I've always loved Paul Rudd. Almost like Road Trip before Road Trip.
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I enjoyed this.
6 May 2020
Cute movie. Was drawn to it hearing so many of my favorite Freestyle artists in the movie. Corina, Marc Anthony, Safire, Chrissy Ieece. Definitely brings light to the Freestyle era. Long before Marc and Chrissy sang You Should Know By Now together. Marc's lovable "Ducky-like" character. Love Corina in this also. Very underrated.
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Flipping Vegas (2011– )
Love this show
29 February 2020
I love how they argue. I've tried watching other house flipping shows and they are just not as interesting as this one. Those negative reviewers are just lame crybabies.
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Very informative
4 February 2020
I enjoyed this. Freestyle music is very underrated and my favorite. The fact that they really got deep into the root of it with the heart of it all entertained me quite well. Interviews with the real freestyle artists that never got much play on MTV only certain radio stations in the 80's early 90's. MTV only showed more Expose, some Lisa Lisa and poppy Freestyle like Taylor Dayne and Jody Watley(which are great too) but now I realize just how racist MTV was towards the Latino community. Cynthia, Tka, Lissette Melendez, the Cover Girls and George Lamond are just a few of the Freestyle roots. Love the documentary I'd love to see more in the future.
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