
3 Reviews
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Professional Rock-N-Roll Documentary
13 January 2020
Very professionally put together, this rock-n-roll documentary deep-dives into the lives of the men who became the metal missionaries of the Christian rock band Bloodgood.

Tasteful and shocking, Christian and rock, serene and loud, this band and this movie juxtaposes many things. Bu the one thing that Bloodgood does, and which comes across so well in this movie, is they live for Jesus and they exist to tell others about Him.

As someone who grew up in my formative years listening to this band, it is impossible to watch this without getting emotional.

If you are a fan of rock documentaries, this is one you have got to see.
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Enemy Empire (2013)
It Is What It Is
5 June 2019
The last reviewer obviously only watched the first five minutes of this film before deciding they didn't like it and shutting it off, yet decided to give it a lousy review anyways. This is NOT a "Mad Max ripoff". This may be a B movie, but it is remarkably original in its content. It has an engaging storyline which, if you watch the film for a while, really keeps you guessing as to what is really going on. There are more than a few great plot twists, as well. The acting is far above par for a B movie. If you like "post-apocalyptic road warrior movies", then you should give this one a try, as i did - and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now obviously, if all you watch are Hollywood blockbusters, then this isn't the movie for you. An interesting side note, the lead actors' voice sounds a heck of a lot like Stephen Amell, some raspy whisper-roar that he is so good at on Arrow. I gave this movie an 8 out of 10, and I hope you'll watch it and enjoy it too.
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Manborg (2011)
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You know, how when you have absolutely no expectations for a movie, and it starts out living up to your lack of expectations? Well, that is how my viewing of this film started out. I was thinking that this was the worst movie ever made...

By the time I had gotten about 20 minutes into it, though, things changed. I am now quite certain that this might possibly be one of the BEST movies ever made!

Firmly tongue-in-cheek, this movie offers no apologies and takes no prisoners! It pays homage to many movies that have gone before it, including but not limited to such titles as; Tron, Star Wars, Blade, Hellboy, Oblivion (the Full Moon version, not the Tom Cruise one), Spaceballs, Transformers, and of course Robocop. Watch the movie for yourself and see if you don't agree!
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