"San Basilio" is a 1981 Filipino action film directed by Joey del Rosario and Tony Cruz. Featuring the masked folk hero Julio Valiente (portrayed by Lito Lapid), a timid farmer and altar boy who eventually assumes the role of Valiente to save the town from the clutches of the evil landlord Senor Escobar.
The movie clinched its place in Filipino pop culture history because of a specific sequence. This sequence reveals Julio Valiente's prowess in manual combat and shooting.
Julio Valiente wields daggers and machetes. Long strings are tied to the each machete handle, allowing him to kill enemies from a distance.
Interestingly, Valiente seems to defy the law of physics: He aims the pistol at the blade of a dagger, effectively dividing the bullet and hitting two targets.
This sequence appears to be highlight of "San Basilio." It brings equal measures of cringe and amusement. Although the good-versus-evil narrative has a predictable denouement, "San Basilio" is still recommended viewing for Pinoy action movie aficionados.
The movie clinched its place in Filipino pop culture history because of a specific sequence. This sequence reveals Julio Valiente's prowess in manual combat and shooting.
Julio Valiente wields daggers and machetes. Long strings are tied to the each machete handle, allowing him to kill enemies from a distance.
Interestingly, Valiente seems to defy the law of physics: He aims the pistol at the blade of a dagger, effectively dividing the bullet and hitting two targets.
This sequence appears to be highlight of "San Basilio." It brings equal measures of cringe and amusement. Although the good-versus-evil narrative has a predictable denouement, "San Basilio" is still recommended viewing for Pinoy action movie aficionados.
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