
2 Reviews
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Dog Bite Dog (2006)
One of the most recommended movies!
9 November 2006
First of all that I would like to say is that Edison Chen is extremely hot and that Sam Lee is looking much better than before XD! This is probably one of the most original movies I have seen so far; shows a poverty lifestyle background of a Cambodian. The Cambodian(Edison aka Pang) goes around killing people to survive himself; has done it throughout his entire life. Sam Lee's(Wai) duty is to capture the Cambodian for good. There are tons of violent actions but has a good story to it. The movie shows the struggles between those two characters; they both beat each other like angry dogs. GO AND WATCH PPL...STRONGLY SUGGESSTED!!! (GO HK FILMS)
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The Departed (2006)
Infernal Affairs is better
22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the original movie of it "The Infernal Affairs" was more entertaining than "The Departed". The Infernal Affairs had more actions and more emotional than The Departed. It was total copy cat of the Infernal Affairs. When Leonardo DiCaprio was trying to beat Matt Damon on the top of the building was lame. With the Infernal Affairs was awesome. Tony Leung(Leonardo) pointed his gun at Andy(Matt) and said, "Sorry, I'm a police officer." Later Andy killed Tony in the elevator that was great action. Unlike The Departed was really retarded. For the Infernal Affairs it's a 10/10! There is one thing that was good about The Departed was that there was Leonardo DiCaprio. He acted extremely well. Matt Damon doesn't know how to act. They should of had Brad Pitt instead. The performance would be more outstanding. They got lots of cheap actors for The Departed. For the Infernal Affairs, they got a lot of expensive actors. GO INFERNAL AFFAIRS!!!
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