Heritage (2019)
This movie is just awful!
This movie is just awful!
Bad sound, bad plot and bad cinematography.
I fell asleep twice while watching this movie, yes it is that boring!
I wanted to watch it because THE BUZLUDZHA MONUMENT is in the movie.
I've been there to take pictures. Feel free to take A look at my website, if you scroll
to the right on my website you eventually see the THE BUZLUDZHA MONUMENT from the inside.
Joker (2019)
Tries to hard indeed!
First off, the phase of this movie is way to slow and feels even longer than it is.
I bored myself to dead and I didn't know what to think of it!!! This is a understatement!!!
Just A waste of money and time. I can't understand how it gets high ratings like this.
The trailer looked promising and that is all I can say.
Don't waste your time and money on masterpiece of boredom!
Victoria (2015)
Just horrible!
I don't know where to start... this movie is so horrible!
The acting is very poor if you ask me ... the plot is questionable and so naive.
I can't imagine any girl would be so naive as the main character in this movie. The choices made in this movie by the characters are so lame and unrealistic that it hurts. So that's where they lost me in the story telling. I was just so bored with the story from that point on. I don't know how I managed to get true the whole movie without falling asleep. The only thing i could think of was... is it finished yet lol
Don't waste your time on this movie!