
7 Reviews
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Nice start, 90% boredom
25 June 2017
The movie does start off nicely in introducing the general setting of the story. What feels like the first 10 minutes is enjoyable, funny and makes you hope for a nice action movie with a couple of laughs. However, what follows are shallow characters, fight scenes that barely make any sense with in my opinion a bit too shaky/rapid camera movement and an all too predictable story that lacks any suspense or chance to identify with any of the characters.

In the end, what is nice about this movie is recognizing famous actors doing a nice job and that the music is chosen/composed quite well. But this does not help the feeling of having wasted almost two hours of my life.
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Enjoyable, but watch series first
15 September 2016
This movie is funny, though I recommend watching the series first, which may even be necessary to actually enjoy the movie.

The movie in short: The class goes on a trip but of course, nothing goes as expected.

Since the series has many more or less deep characters, the movie cannot compete in terms of character development. While the series contains on average 6 episodes per season at roughly half an hour (way too short for its quality in my opinion), the movie has to cope with introducing the various students and teachers within the first part of the movie. I am not sure if that is enough to really "understand" the situation/background story at "Abbey Grove". The characters may seem a little flat/stereotypical if one has not yet seen the series. Granted, "form K" pretty much has a member of every socio-demographic (?) group in it that I could think of of the top of my head. This makes the series more interesting, may seem a little forced to be funny in the movie.

Regarding the humor in the movie, it is exactly what you would expect after watching the series. It is about the same level of sometimes beneath the belt but makes you laugh more often than cringe.

Personally I am pretty happy with the movies ending. As most people may have experienced, it is an awful feeling when a series that one has really enjoyed watching comes to a close and leaves a feeling of emptiness. "The bad education movie" fills the void that the series left perfectly and at least for me, gives the whole story a finish that I can live and close that chapter with.

I did enjoy the series more than the movie, though it is still a movie I'd recommend.
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The Revenant (2015)
Amazing images, no story
31 December 2015
If you live in the city or spend almost all your time in an office/ your home, this movie might blow you away. The cinematography is absolutely amazing. However, if you regularly spend time outside or go on vacation a lot, I reckon nothing beats reality and this movie will show you little new.

The problem with this movie is its story, which is non existent. While you may argue that about half an hour of the movie is action packed and fun to watch, the overall quality of the plot is just not there. The plot is predictable and to me there was too little time to identify with the characters and feel for them. On a side note: Leo did a great job (as did Tom Hardy) but this is not the type of movie that allows you to win an Oscar for acting.

In conclusion: match your expectations if you want to go see this movie. You will see great cinematography but you wont see anything else.
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Decent movie, can't live up to the hype
26 December 2015
I watched the trailers roughly a hundred times leading up to the day I saw the movie. To be honest: To me, the trailer was better than the movie.

The reason for this is, that there is something missing in the movie. I just can't quite put my finger on it. The acting was good, there were a lot of scenes that referred to the earlier movies, making me smile and get that star wars feeling and some witty dialogs that had me laughing out loud. At the end of the day however, there is no "best scene" that could be burned into my memory and never let me forget the force awakens. (Well, now that I think about it maybe there is one, but in hindsight it feels like that particular scene was forced into the movie to create that memorable moment, so it's more like 1 frame that the movie could be summarized in) Furthermore, a big part of the plot feels just like some sort of variation of something that happened in the other movies.

What we are left with is a nice movie that comes nowhere close to what I had hoped for.
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Very enjoyable unpredictability
25 December 2015
If, like me, you generally prefer movies in which you can't guess what's going to happen next, you'll probably enjoy this one. Obviously Quentin Tarantino has a unique style of making movies and it once more shows in this one. In this movie, you're never really sure who is the good and who is the bad guy, leading to some changes of the view on the different characters. For me that resulted in a somewhat emotional uncertainty of what I would want to happen next, just to be surprised by a new piece of information/development that changes everything I believed to happen next. So overall, the unpredictability, the twists & turns as well as the way the story is told make this movie a very enjoyable one. On top of that: outstanding performance by Samuel L. Jackson and Tim Roth while some other actors remain a little dull. The reason I don't give 10 stars is that in an almost three hour long movie, I partially expected more character depth.
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Top Five (2014)
Lots of smirks, few laughs
20 February 2015
Storyline in a view words: A reporter spends the day with a comedian who is struggling to turn his public appearance from funny to serious.

Many known actors and a good performance by Chris Rock. Too many flat jokes a là "every joke that involves the word sex or similar is automatically funny" though.

Nice to watch if you've already seen most comedy movies out there and enjoy movies that make you smirk and smile a lot more often than really laugh.

In my opinion all of the involved actors did a great job and while some of whats going to happen may be expected in advance, the characters are believable and somewhat deep.
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Wild Card (2015)
Fight scenes and a lot of boredom
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
One word review: Boring. A couple of decent fight scenes as we know Jason Statham for, cannot disguise the fact that there is absolutely no suspense.

In general I really like action movies. In this case it's the usual steps: Something bad happens to the main character, he/she decides to fight against the one responsible for that evil, overcomes challenges and obstacles and succeeds in the end with a little help from friends and companions. In this movie however, there are no obstacles and challenges. There are no setbacks to the hero. All that happens is that our hero decides to fight back and wins (almost) every single time without any real chance of losing the fight. Even the little character flaw we get to see is overcome in no time.

So if you like watching Jason Statham beat up bad guys, this movie is okay, but in my opinion he has made better ones. If you like to see the hero rise up and overcome challenges, as well as fearing a little for the life of the hero or their friends', this movie is not for you.

4 Stars though for the decent acting and fight scenes.
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