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IMDb member since September 2004
Kevin Hill (2004)
Great new show
30 September 2004 - 9 out of 16 users found this review helpful.
This show can be taken seriously with people and topics that you can relate too. BRAVO to the creator and thank you for something that I can actually look forward to watching. The characters are believable and at first I thought it wouldn't work with Taye Diggs, but he has found his niche role. Keep up the good work and I really look forward to future story lines. It's a nice cross between The Practice and Ally McBeal, but not as ridiculous as McBeal, this is more on the serious side with acting and story line you can appreciate. Also, the characters are not predictable roles either. A successful black man with a gay white nannie (BRAVO). Thank you again for something different.
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