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High Strung (1992)
Excellent comedy
11 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
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This movie is a genius comedy based on a simple concept with a big potential. The humor derives from petty problems and dilemmas that we all face, all piled up in one pointless day, and over-analyzed to the point of hilarity.

The biggest strength of the movie is that we can all find ourselves in at least some of Thane's rants and frustration, and Steve Oedekerk's mannerisms and physical comedy that he is able to pull off are exquisite. Jim Carrey was also great in his role, especially at the very last scene, after the credits. I think that the supernatural plot revealed at the end was well build up to and it was actually fitting in a way.

My personal favorite part was Thane's rant about watermelon popsicles, and him presenting his children's books, while I only found the parts about his boss' wife to be somewhat tiresome.

But maybe the best part of this movie is that it actually explores some complex problems and intriguing possibilities in a hilarious way, and that many of Thane's complaints make sense, but are blown out of proportion and handled with badly.

Anyway, this is a great and really underrated comedy with an original and well executed concept, and some truly genius elements. I'd recommend it to anyone, especially fans of indie movies and black comedies.
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24 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*Possible spoilers* In my opinion, the most impressive part about this movie is Marta MacIsaac's portrayal of Casey McMullen, especially in the terms of the tone of her voice and the facial expressions. Over the course of the movie, you can pretty much see the way she breaks under pressure for the first time, quietly, maybe not so severely, and creates the fraud that basically gets the plot going, and she later, gradually, starts seeing the consequences of her actions. She gets to feel some hope and joy that everyone talks about, but she knows that what people perceive as the cause of that is false, that what they believe in is false, artificial, because she created it.

The closest to the "most impressive thing" is the camera work and the filter. The movie is filled with mostly light blue and white colors. That creates some Christmas mood while still making the movie tense in many ways. (You can see the similar camera work in 2004 movie "The Woodsman".) The fog is also pretty visible in some part of the film. There is snow, of course, but not too much of it, and it doesn't play an important part in the story. In most of the outdoor scenes, you can actually see characters (especially Casey and Jansen) being very pink in the face and breathing heavily, as it often happens when the person is outside during a cold water for some time. That makes the movie and characters feel even more natural and realistic. That is probably due to most of the movie being filmed on real locations in Nova Scotia, not in the movie studio.

Casey's life with her sister before the accident isn't featured in actual flashbacks, but in the home videos made shortly prior to the accident. I think that was a nice touch, having more of a "family memories" feel, making everything even more sad/realistic, and it didn't interfere with the camera work or the modest feel of the movie like the actual flashbacks might have.

There are also some great subtle touches that you probably wouldn't notice at first: such as, in a nor to director Jason Eisener, Casey can be seen wearing a "Treevenge" pin on her coat. Also, we don't see the face of the Jesus until the very end, before one of the workers stars cleaning it up: of course, it doesn't look like Jesus at all, which makes the town people's reaction to the fraud even more shocking.

Make no mistake, the movie has some funny parts too: Casey telling the school bully off at the beginning and the semi-comic scene at the end.

The complaints I have about the movie is that it could have used more light hearted moments and that one of the scenes near the end seemed too brutal/harsh (you'll know when you watch it). Also, some minor characters (employees at the garden mall) could have been developed better.

"Faith, Fraud, & Minimum Wage" is not a typical Christmas movie. It is not a typical teenage movie either. It definitely isn't comedy, barely even comedy-drama. But it is drama genre at it's best (Christmas drama if you wish) and it does a great job with getting into the head of a troubled teenage girl and, in some ways, that whole little community, actually.

In Christmas time, when it is easy to forget about all the "bad things" and "bad time", "Faith, Fraud, & Minimum Wage" offers a new perspective on that beloved time of year, but it never denies the most important thing: hope. Today, when, sadly, most of Christmas movies are commercial comedies with cheap jokes and many teenage movies basically just feature young people doing "modern" things without even trying to develop the characters, "Faith, Fraud, & Minimum Wage" deserves at least some mild appreciation.

Still, I think that, to the majority of people, it is one of the movies that you either love or hate. But give it a chance: if you happen to like it, it is definitely a heart winning movie. It may not be easy to find on DVD, but that only makes it more enjoyable, in my opinion: a little thing that not many people appreciate, but you do, like your own personal security blanket or that beautiful part of the forest nobody else from the school bothers to go too. So take a deep breath, let your heart hold fast, and go down that path.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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Elementary: A Controlled Descent (2015)
Season 3, Episode 24
Very good.
16 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*Possible spoilers*

Season three finale shocked me. Very emotional episodes with great twists and a good, not overly theatrical cliffhanger.

I hoped that there would be more deductive reasoning to the investigation and that that Oscar had made more effort to conceal Olivia's body to make sure nobody will discover it until he leads Sherlock to the location. But overall a very exciting and emotional episode. Not as good as season one finale but definitely better than the season two finale. I have my own idea for the premiere. It turns out that Sherlock didn't relapse, despite getting very close to, but he actually ended up murdering Oscar in self defense. There was no evidence to prove that the murder wasn't self defense, but the police had their suspicions, causing him to be put under suspension and possibly face drug possession charge at least, since he had disposed of the narcotics that he had stolen before calling the police but it was later recovered with his fingerprints on it. He was not only facing legal charges, but was upset greatly over what had happened. Joan was the one to contact Sherlock's father, causing him to go back to New York and try to help Sherlock. Due to an investigation and helped by his father's influence, Sherlock ended up getting cleared of all charges and being free to get back to work, but still decided-and was advised- to "take a break" from his work as a consultant and a detective, and started taking some psychiatric sessions. The premiere episode opens in September, with Sherlock resuming his work, to an apparent dislike from his father, who, apparently, sees this situation as an opportunity to get Sherlock move back to London (and yes, I know that the talk about that in season two was a ploy from Mycroft). Sherlock takes over the case that detective Bell and captain Gregson had been working on in the past, but have never solved: a young, healthy woman was found dead in her house; the cause of death hasn't been determined, and in weeks prior to the murder she had reported a suspicious man moving around her house at night, as well as hearing weird, whistle like noises under her bedroom window. Police had investigated those claims, but hadn't gotten very far. Shortly before her death, she had sent a text message to her sister, reading simply "A Speckled Band". That happened late in 2011, when Sherlock was at the height of his addiction and wasn't working for NYPD yet, neither was that keen on studying the cases happening throughout the city. Now, almost four years later and with the anniversary of the victim's death approaching, the victim's sister, living in a completely different neighborhood,  also reports seeing a strange man moving around her house at night and hearing whistle like noises. The suspects include their abusive stepfather, the victim's possessive ex boyfriend and a registered female sex offender who lived close to the victim in 2011 and is now living close to the victim's sister. Obviously, that would be an adaption of "The Adventure Of The Speckled Band". But whatever happens, I am sure that you will provide us with a great season premiere!
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One of the best plots of (any) fictional crime show.
24 June 2013
**This review may contain spoilers** In this excellent episode of RIS Police Scientifique, following happens. Ilusionist Marcija Machado performs her trick in theater when dead body falls out the casket. ID's identify man as 46 year old Henry Dumas. He was probably killed in less than an hour, during pause. Marcija and one of her assistants have no alibi for that time. One assistant does: he was making an interview. Peanuts are found in his pocket. He was stabbed once in right thigh. There is no knife. Soonly, one thing confuses members of R.I.S.: how could killer pull out the murder weapon without causing blood splatters anywhere in casket or in theater? Victim lived with his amnesional mother. His father died a year ago. Search of his room reveals that he used to be a magician, and that he wrote a book in which he reveals and explains some famous magic tricks. During autopsy, it is confirmed that stabbing wound was cause of death. Since victim was overweight and had lots of fat tissue on the thigh, it is possible that he didn't even feel a thing. It is also revealed that victim was allergic on peanuts: somebody else was in theater with him. Scar on his wrist points out that he had fist surgery years ago. Surgery was badly performed, and it caused damage on his fist. Because of that, his carrier as magician was ruined. Victim's fingerprints are found on casket, which points out that he came there himself: possibly in order to escape from his attacker. One hand print found on casket isn't human; it belongs to chimpanzee. Team searches the theater again and found the chimpanzee, with digital camera on top of it's head. It seems that victim used chimpanzee to videotape Marcija's tricks. With that in mind, police interrogates Marcia, who denies killing Henry or knowing about his plan. They get search warrant for knives she uses during her performances. Shape of blades on some of them match to stabbing wound. Victim's blood was found on one of her knives, but only on (removable) handle, not on blade. Surgery on victim's fist was performed by surgeon Lois Killer, who was murdered in 1997. His wife at first said that she heard noise, walked downstairs and saw man stabbing her husband to death, but he fled and she couldn't get good look at him. When her fingerprints were found on murder weapon, she changed her story. She said she killed her husband because he wanted a divorce. She was sentenced on eight years in prison; she escaped after serving three and was never re-captured. Victim's soon, now 17, who lives with his aunt since the murder, was on Marcija's performance that night. When interrogated by head of the R.I.S., he denies killing Henry. Head of the R.I.S., however, picks up one of his hairs and gives it on DNA analysis. When DNA profile recovered from that hair is compared with Marcia's DNA, it is revealed that he is her son. She was wife of Lois Keller who was sentenced for his murder. She is arrested. Head of R.I.S., however, thinks that victim, Henry Dumas, maybe killed her husband as revenge for fist surgery fiasco. They re-examine the evidences and found something on shirt Lois was wearing when he was killed; lie called Pediculus humanus. Henry's chimpanzee had same lies on his body. Experts confirm that chimpanzee got lies from it's owner, Henry Dumas, he owe chimpanzee at time of Lois's murder. That proves that he killed Marcija's husband, not her. When interrogated, she says she confessed because she was feeling guilty: she tried to help her dyng husband and she pulled knife out his body (hence the fingerprints on murder weapon), causing him to bleed out. She confesses she escaped from prison and traveled in Spain when she saw photograph in newspapers, of Henry Dumas meeting with illusionist Antonio Machado; she recognized Henry as man whom he saw killing her husband. She hoped to found him, but instead, she became Antonio's apprentice. When he retired, she toked job as illusionist. She confesses that she killed Henry, but team thinks that she tries to protect her son. Finally, secret is revealed: killer made impression of blade on one of Marcija Machado's knife, poured water in it, and freezer it. He stabbed the victim, and knife later melted; this is how knife disappeared without blood splattering. It also helps killer to make an alibi. Team immediately suspects on Portal, Marcija's assistant who was the only one to have alibi for time of Henry's death: he was making interview. Trace is found inside victim's wound: Prolifan, allergy medicine. When Portal's room is searched, bottle of it was found. He says he was jealous on Marcia taking over Antonio's job instead of him. However, he didn't want to kill her; he wanted to make her suffer. In bar, he met Henry, who helped him to So he made ice copy of her knife, putted it on removable knife handle tooken from Marcija's collection, and, before making meeting with journalists, he stabbed Henry and putted handle back. However, he made fatal mistake: he sneezed while making ice blade, leaving traces of Prolifan. In the end, boy is re-united with his mother. This is great episode. This time, victim is far from innocent: he killed man, let innocent woman to rot in jail and later tried to destroy her again., but you can't help to feel sympathy for, at least, his mother. Marcija Machado is great character: strong, attractive, passionate and brave woman. This is one of my favorite episodes so far.
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Bitange i princeze (2005– )
Real life.
17 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
*This review contains spoilers* Five people live in two different apartments, door to door. They are: Robert Kumerle-homophobic football fan and petty criminal without steady job Teodor Friščić-lawyer who moved in with Kazimir Hrastek and Robert Kumerle after his wife kicked him out Kazimir Hrastek-lonely, slightly overweight guy, movie and comic books nut who lived with his mother till mid 20's Irena Grobnik-stereotypical "stupid blonde girl", without steady job, bimbo and gold digger and possible Robert's love interest (although they fight often) Lucija Toč- Irena's roommate, vegetarian who believes in astrology and magic, and has on and off relationship with Teodor This show is made in style of Friends or Seinfeld, but with big difference: humor is much rougher and characters don't get along very well, but still they live together and help each other; when you think off it, it kinda hints on It's always sunny in Philadelphia. There is nothing politic correct in this show at all: homophobia is referenced in almost every episode, since gay waiter Armando (real stereotype-type of gay man) works in pub which crowd often visits and has crush on homophobic Robert Kumerle, who often says him to get "six feet away from him" and even threatened to kill him sometimes. Pornography is also referenced in almost every episode, since one of regular guests in the pub (and Armando's best friend) is sleezy, paraphilic, possibly bisexual guy Saša addicted to porn and also so-called artist who often directs hard-cord pornography movies and sometimes even acts in them. Zoophilia is also used as joke in few episodes; in one epidode of season two it is hinted that Saša is violated by unicor and in one episode of season five it is hinted that janitor in building in which crowd lives has relationship with his sheep. Incest is also used as joke in few episodes, where it is hinted that Saša has inappropriate feelings towards his (biological) mother. Swearing is very often, and also alcoholism; characters drink alcohol in almost every episode and get drunk in like every fifth episode. Drug jokes are very often, lots of references on smoking marijuana and sometimes about using heroine and cocaine. Characters make fun about Croatian politics and celebrities all the time. Grand lancery is also part of a plot in many episodes, since owner of agency in which Kazimir Hrastek works is involved in it, ofter smuggling food, drink, DVDs, etc. There are also some fantasy and science-fiction elements, played mostly for parody part. But still, show has PG rating and is hilarious and realistic (which is, unfortunately, rare to see in acting in Croatian movies and TV shows) and, despite previously mentioned fantasy and science-fiction elements, plots are believable; in one episode, Robert is in jeopardy to loose his job as security guard in book store when owner installs security cameras, so he arranges robbery to prove that no security camera can replace him. This brilliant show ended in 2011, two years ago, after five seasons. I am still sad that it is over, but I still hope that maybe they will continue making episodes.
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Hitna 94 (2008)
Very underrated show.
17 June 2013
*This review my contain spoilers* This show was mocked by many people when it first came out, mainly because it was seen as pure copy of Grey's anatomy. This is probably why it ended it's run after only few episodes and was featured completely only almost five years later. It's true that show is inspired by Grey's anatomy and similar shows but that doesn't mean it's the pure copy, cheap or bad. It isn't any of that. Show is actually pretty good and it is the shame that it only lasted for sixteen episodes. Stories are realistic and acting is actually pretty good and convincing (which is, unfortunately, rate to see in Croatian movies and TV shows). Corrupted doctors, drug addicts, gambling problems, child molestation, domestic violence... All that is featured in this sixteen episodes and works out incredibly well, and it even has some humor and some sexy scenes. So, give this show a chance: you won't be disappointed.
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R.I.S. Police scientifique: Mort suspecte (2011)
Season 6, Episode 6
Very shaking and sad episode...
10 March 2013
*This review contains spoiler* Girl in expensive private school was bullied by group of female classmates, two of them daughters of district attorney. They promised her they will stop if she gets them something to gossip about, so she photographed her piano teacher with her lover, History teacher. They scared her bulling for three weeks, then started again. They eventually rated her out to teacher, who threaded to report her to police. She told her about bulling, but she didn't believed her. To blackmail her into not reporting her to police, girl drugged her and photographed her naked, but drug killed the teacher. Girl tried to kill herself, but survived. Police arrested her at the end. Head of RIS made lecture in her class about legal punishments for bulling, but none of girls didn't even glared at that, knowing that, despite the laws, nothing will be done, although one of girl apologized to bullied girl on the end. This episode was great and, unfortunately, realistic. It made me feel sick in my stomack. Killer was arrested at the end, but real monsters got of the hook. Murder victaim wasn't much better. She never cared for girl. One girl showed she is sorry, but I couldn't care less for it. She should think about it before. I hope maybe I'll see them in some other episode, where they will, hopefully, get what they deserve, or even more.
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Lud, zbunjen, normalan (2007–2021)
Best... show... ever!
8 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
*This review contains spoilers* Show features lives of three (later four) generations of men from one family living in same apartment: Izet Fazilinović, in late 60's, retired construction worker Faruk Fazilinović, in late 40's, unsuccessful music producer, Izet's son Damir Fazilinović, in 20's, medicine student and later doctor, Faruk's son and Izet's grandson Later on, Damir's son, Džebra, is born, becoming Faruk's grandson and Izet grand- grandson. Title is based on personality of first three main characters: Izet (crazy), Faruk (confused) and Damir (normal). Comedy is largely based on situation comedy, about characters mistaking each others ideas and plans or accidentally cross-doing them, which usually results in disasters, but hilarious ones. Izet is definitely the best character, not by his deeds, but by his development. He is worse than any stereotype about evil old man: he is womanizer, alcoholic, cigar smoking, greedy, cheap, communist, atheist, homophobic, coward, selfish and sarcastic, but he is still hilarious and lovable character. He strongly disapproves his son still living with him, literally saying:"There's no such thing even in animal world! Bird comes out of egg and after half of year it flies away, puppy starts living on his own after few months, I have some sort of reptile !" Eventually, grandson moves away, but son still stays. Chombe is also great recurring (almost main) character. He is Faruk's sort-of friend and unsuccessful song-writer and singer. From season 4, he works in Faruk's music studio and runs radio show with another, even less intelligent employee Refko. There is also episode in which Izet and his friend, doctor, barbecue on balcony of his apartment and rips few pages of his grandson's book for fire, and Damur makes deal with Chombe about photo-copyng the book. Izet's friends gives him backing soda for hungover, which he hides in dwar in living room. Damir's girlfriend, also medicine student, dumps few injections from her purse, left prom practicing, in trash can in kitchen. Faruk hears Damir's and Chimbe's conversation about book and realizes it as talk about drug job. Damir fails on exam due to missing pages from book. Faruk meets Damir's professor who tells him so. He starts thinking even strongly that Damir is using drugs. He searches his room and founds nothing. He then searches living room and founds backing soda, and think it is cocaine. Izet founds injections in trash can and thinks that Faruk is using drugs again. They both call Izet's friend for help, unaware of each other's wrong findings, till the end. Can you imagine the better plot?
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Koko i duhovi (2011)
Excellent adaptation of Croatian child classic.
11 February 2013
Well, movie is excellently made and it can still be very amusing for todays children although it takes place in 70's. Due to need for 70's environment, movie was filmed in Karlovac, but it really looks like Zagreb in 70's, and characters still feel like todays children. There are some scene's added which weren't original in book and some they were aren't adapted but film is better that way. Mystery part which wasn't originally in book was great touch also, (and more understandable), together with characterization of that dorky cop. Although story could hardly happened in real life movie wasn't unrealistic, some parts even seemed more realistic than in book. Ending in movie was also better way to finish the movie than original ending in book, although it gave slightly sad touch, but not too sad, especially since we know that sequels are coming. Well, I would recommend this to everybody, even adults.
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3 February 2013
This show is sooooo much better than any Americans CSI stuff. Realistic motives and confessions, every victim treated with respect, crimes don't get solved in first 15 minutes. In almost every episode there is lots of science and lots of , lets call them "phenomens": *SPOILERS* chimera, adermatoglyphia, flash over's... And we also get great look in personal lives of characters. In my opinion, best seasons are 3 and 4. I don't know how writers can get up with so many great ideas! Great fun and great way to learn lots about (especialy forensic) science and realistic police work. Plots are brilliant, clever and sometimes very intense, there's no fake science, and cast is brilliant!I recommend this to everybody.
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R.I.S. Police scientifique: Londres/Paris (2013)
Season 8, Episode 2
When You try this, it's hard to like American CSI stuff again!
3 February 2013
Well, what to say? This show is brilliant. Plots are clever and we are introduced to many scientific and forensic elements and phenomenas in every episode, *SPOILERS* such as chimera. It really looks realistic, like real forensic and police work. In almost every episode, criminal confess when confronted by evidence, but it doesn't look unrealistic like in CSI Miami, for example, because confessions are mostly very emotional, You can actually fell sadness, fear, confusion etc. of person who confesses, and when person confesses, evidences against him or her are always strong. Police and forensics treat every victim with respect, even *SPOILERS* convicted sex offenders, which is different from, lets say, CSI NY and CSI Miami, which, in some episodes, almost support vigilantism, and we also get good view in private lives of characters. Show is simply brilliant. I recommend it to everyone.
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