
7 Reviews
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Goose egg and a clunker.
9 October 2023
I was looking forward to it. I had low expectations going to see it. I wasn't disappointed.

The storyline was Meh.

The Ellen Burstyn tie-in was completely underdeveloped.

The Chris Farley "Living in a van down by the river" looking character came out of nowhere and was nothing but filler. Same for a couple of the other characters who were there to just stand around and not really contribute anything.

There were 1 or 2 schlocky scares.

The special effects were at best ho-hum, and have been seen dozens of times before.

My suggestion? Wait to see it as a freebie on cable. Don't pay to rent it.
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The Menu (2022)
Christians have Passion of the Christ. Restaurants have Passion of the Chef.
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to dine at a restaurant run by a cult, catch The Menu and you'll find out.

The idea for the movie was OK, and the script had a dash of good humor.

If having no bread with dinner angers you, you'll be angry. If being served up as a human s'more makes you happy, you'll be happy. If you like seeing annoying characters get their final desserts (ha-ha...), you'll be happy.

Congratulations to Hollywood for making an original movie in a sea of uncreative messes. Not the greatest movie ever made, but it was an enjoyable way to spend 90 minutes. Definitely worth a matinee.
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Hunter's Moon (2020)
Well, they tried...
30 March 2020
Well, they tried. Yeh, that pretty much sums it up.
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Cats (2019)
Cat's Litter Box is more like it...
22 December 2019
Complete and total garbage. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about this "movie". Andrew Lloyd Weber must have been out of his mind to sign off on this atrocity. And thank you, Jennifer Hudson, for butchering and botching Memory. I guess William Hung and Roseanne Barr couldn't clear their schedules, so they hired Jennifer Hudson to ruin the only memorable part of this script. Utter garbage.
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It's Mooncrap, but it stars Sarah Butler, so we all need to watch it...
5 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yah, the movie is total garbage, but it stars Sarah Butler, so you need to see it. Sarah is awesome. She's stunningly beautiful, athletic, and when given the right script (like ISOYG) can deliver a brilliant performance. Unfortunately, she seems to not be able to come across those quality projects very often.

Like this clunker, Moontrap. The concept was ridiculous, script was terrible, the special effects were laughable, the sets were beyond awful, the soundtrack was painfully amateurish, and the production was made on a budget comparable to your local high school's chess club treasury fund. But, bad as it was for an hour and 25 minutes, it did star Sarah Butler, so you need to find a copy and see it, because it did star Sarah Butler.
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Shut In (I) (2016)
What were Naomi Watts and Oliver Pratt thinking???
5 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a clunker!!! Remember the first 5 minutes of Dumb and Dumber 2, where Jim Carrey faked being comatose for 20 years as a practical joke, then jumped up and said "Gotcha!"??? These clowns tried to make a suspenseful horror flick out of the same premise, and it just didn't work. Pass this one by, folks - just pass it by.
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Inherent Vice (2014)
Unbearably boring
8 June 2015
1 out of 100 movies I see are simply unwatchable. Here's the most recent clunker I came across. 20 minutes into it, I screamed "I can't take it any more," and took it back to the Redbox kiosk. Just absolutely boring and horrible. The actors looked so bored as they plodded through this horrible script, I almost felt sympathy for them. There was absolutely no energy or enthusiasm emanating from the screen. I can see why it tanked financially at the box office. Some movies set in the '70's are very entertaining and pleasurable to watch. This one was just painful. I don't usually write reviews, but this one was such a stinkbomb I had to put in my two cents worth.
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