Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
It was a typical horror movie
The only gripe I had was the last 10 seconds of the movie... super cliche and annoying. Good kills though, especially the genocide. Shot well, lots of blood, looked like they used film which always looks better on movies. Sarah Yarkin was definitely the best character.
Eternals (2021)
Probably the most different...
It has to be the most unique Marvel movie I've seen and quite honestly I'm glad it strayed from the formulaic typical Marvel movie... it was a bit long, and could have very well been made in to a 10 part series if they wanted to dive deeper into all the characters, but they didn't really need to once you find out they're origin. The only thing that truly bothered me about the characters was the young one who even though has 7000 years of memories still acts like a kid, but that could also have to do with her origin. The movie was good, it had many different personalities throughout the cast. Aside from scientific technicalities it played well and I hope they make a sequel... it's a touch darker than your typical Marvel go, so that's something to be aware of.
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
I mean, I hated the third movie
So I didn't totally expect that I'd like this one. It was good, not terrible, not great, kind of what you expect from a sequel/reboot... I get that they were playing on Neo being older, but man did he look like he was having a tough time in every fight scene... I feel like he was supposed to look this way or it could of been bad choreography... because in John Wick, Keanu never looks like he's having a bad go in a fight.
The movie seemed really rushed as far as the story goes, like they had to throw something together really quick to get into production. Again it wasn't bad, but it felt super factory Hollywood.... Honestly I'd like to see a prequel movie on how the Matrix comes to be lol but obviously that movie can't be made because there would be no happy ending. Even a movie where the Matrix is actually brought down, I don't know something fresh... the same old "we're in the Matrix" bs can't go on.
7 for the actors, I liked all the new people, especially Smith and Morpheus
5 for the story... obviously this wasn't written over the last 20 years, it probably took them a few months if that.
10 for special effects, it's hard to mess this part up now a days.
If it has a 5th installment, they need to get writers who have dreams and creativity.
Also thank god they got rid of that stupid green tint that was used gracefully in the first movie, but washed over the second and third movies.
Invasion (2021)
Slow, but written well
It doesn't go balls to the wall alien invasion blasty blasty, but shows how an intelligent species would take a planet. Send scout ships, disrupt life, test our defenses and wait to see what our ultimate reaction will be. Interested to see how that last episode final 5 minutes turns into the next season.
Foundation (2021)
Just reading the reviews...
It's sad how people let their politics guide them while watching a TV show... they see a minor detail and blow it up and center on it over anything else... I'll enjoy the show not being so judgmental of the content.
What a blessed life I live not caring about the politics in this ridiculous society. You'd be better off doing the same, you'll be happier.
The show isn't bad, it's done very well, it's slow which I expected given the source material. Asimov's books are pretty boring, but they are quick reads and are interesting.
Making the book series into a show I thought would be impossible given all the jumps thru time, but the team on this did a pretty good job, can't wait for season 2.
Candyman (2021)
Obviously review bombed
The movie was good, if you like Peele's other work this is right up there with it. The 1992 film was just as political as this, so all the 1 star reviews have no clue what they are saying and just blasting it because it involves race, which isn't any different than the former movie. Beautifully shot, great actors, decent gore, although they should have shown more of the kills.
Malignant (2021)
Wtf... Lol that was the most ridiculous thing I've watched, like ever. It was like a B horror movie on a good budget. Giving a 6 for creativity and gore factor, most of it was laughable like Sharknado.
AlRawabi School for Girls (2021)
Being a western person
Not really sure how Jordan lifestyle is, but that wasn't western like everyone is saying. Maybe some of the music, but that's about it. Lol or are westerners the only ones that have teenagers that bully others? If they threw a McDonald's in there I would have agreed, but other than that, very different. Honestly I like seeing a different aspect to a typical teen show and found it entertaining. Hope there is a season 2 because of that ending.
The Suicide Squad (2021)
I'm just an hour in...
And I can't understand all the praise. It's so incredibly boring, with so many scenes that just don't need to exist. The story is mediocre, and the humor and violence seems forced. Also the soundtrack is god awful and doesn't really fit. Thank God for the actors, because otherwise this would have been absolute trash. I'm giving a 5 simply for the actors that had to be a part of this, and the rat was cool.
F9 (2021)
Ridiculous lol
They have blatantly said that they make these movies to be ridiculous and unrealistic, so I'm not sure why people are surprised. So much cheese, but it was entertaining. Don't watch it if you didn't like the last one, as it's basically the same movie. Giving it a 7 because it's exactly what I expected, not good, not terrible, but entertaining.
The Mosquito Coast (2021)
Ehhhhh it's ok
Good acting, good cinematography, story and pacing however is super weak. Same thing in every episode, which is basically them escaping a sticky situation. The only thing that kept me watching was wanting to know why the hell they are having to run, which is vaguely revealed in one episode. Maybe season 2 will do something, if it happens.
Cruella (2021)
Bunch old cry babies
All the bad reviews are from people who like to be stuck in the past... The movie was entertaining and done very well. If you are anyone who likes movies, this is a good watch.
The Disney hate for not staying classic is super over played... It's their IP, and I'm personally glad they continue to evolve it.
Dark Places, Deadly Illusions (2021)
Proof that Netflix can make anything popular
There are so many defending this, saying it's a movie for people who like to think... And I'm like no honey, because I am one of those people and this is not one of those movies. It could have been one of those movies if the 3rd act didn't happen the way it did... Lost had a better ending.
Monster Hunter (2020)
It was really really short
I usually don't trust anything under the 2 hour mark, and this is one of those times. The whole movie felt like a first act. It was cheesy, but not bad... Hopefully they made enough to get the sequel, because it was left wide open.
Nomadland (2020)
Good Cinematography
That's all I can really give this movie, it was shot well. I get it's a character study, but they could have put a little more effort into the story. The parts that were meant to be the story seemed very forced and unrealistic, like the whole thing with her sister. I usually like Frances work, but just acting like a normal person doing normal things (aside from the whole living on the road) just isn't really a difficult acting job and doesn't deserve all the praise. The 4 is strictly for cinematography, because this would have been better if it were just a straight documentary with a real nomad as the main character.
Tell Me Your Secrets (2021)
One of the better shows I've seen
So much twisted story in this show you just have to watch. With the amount of twists in this you have to let go of your judgement of what really would happen in these scenarios... It's really good story telling and the casting, acting, cinematography is excellent. Hope there's a second season.
Tribes of Europa (2021)
Germany with their 6 episodes
Germany needs to get with it and make shows that are more than 6 episodes, that's my only gripe... Great show and Netflix better not hose this after one season, that's getting super old, shows should get two seasons no matter what just in case they have to end the story if it gets cancelled. It's like 6 out of 10 shows never have a chance and then stupid shows get 4 seasons, like that God awful Sabrina show.
The Craft: Legacy (2020)
Just really really short
It seems like there is probably 40 minutes of movie missing from this, not sure if it was originally this short, if the director made the decision to make it shorter, or if the studio did, but there certainly was a chunk of development missing from every section of the film... A quick beginning, middle and end... I can forgive the quick beginning, but the middle was just overly rushed with no small conflicts or anything to push the depth of the story, and the ending climax was about as suspenseful as blinking your eyes.
However, the lead character was great, the general cast was good, it was somewhat entertaining to watch, I just wanted more, and the fact that I can say that I wanted more means they did something right. Watch if you need something to watch, its not bad, just not complete.
Follow Me (2020)
I don't see an issue
Horror movies never ever in the history of film have good acting, they just don't, even the good acting in horror movies is still terrible. So can't knock this for that. It was entertaining, a bit predictable, and more along the lines of The Game than Hostel or Saw, as a matter of fact it's nothing like Hostel or Saw because it was fake the whole time.
The Expanse (2015)
Best SciFi show there is
Without a doubt, even overtakes BSG for me.
Great storyline, acting, visuals, and it just keeps getting better which almost never happens with a tv series.
The Wilds (2020)
Not terrible...
But it wasn't good either. Somewhere in between.
The characters are wayyyyy too extra.
No character is more annoying than Leah. Leah can easily replace the girl on the crazy ex gf meme.
If they would have dialed the characters down about 25 percent, it would have been better.
The plot is just a bit silly and kinda pointless, but I think the show is more meant as a character study.
It somehow strangely keeps your interest, so good on them for that.
The girls are all pretty good at acting their parts and were believable in their rolls, even though they were directed to be over the top a lot, and I mean A LOT.
Saved by the Bell (2020)
Nice throwbacks
The best part of the show is the throwback jokes. The cast could be written to have higher IQs though. How dumb the original Bayside kids are to the transfers can be a bit annoying... Also stick to the original intro song which was used once or twice, the new one is terrible... The show needs some refinement, but it's humorous. I didn't catch the joke about Gomez, but that was definitely a mistake they should avoid if they get a second season... Probably get better writers, this seemed rushed, probably was because of Covid.
The Queen's Gambit (2020)
I watched it because of Anya...
And was very surprised. The preview was kind of blah and didn't drive me to watch this at all, only because of Anya did I turn it on and wow. All the actors, the costume and set design, the story, the pace of the story, everything was executed extremely well.
The few bad reviews on here, I'd just like to know what these people consider good? If you're looking for a movie about the fundamentals of chess and how to play it watch a damned documentary, not a drama. If you think this was boring, maybe you should stick to action movies. Some critics on here judge movies for things they are not and were never meant to be and that's just dumb and childish. If you can't tell what you're getting into before watching something you have no valid opinion on the subject.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020)
I mean...
It's Borat. Crude, offensive, and fun. It will probably get a bunch of 1's from the poli-cry-babies who claim they aren't judging it based on the fact that it goes against their values, but they are. It's a stupid comedy and it was entertaining. If you don't like stupid comedies then this just isn't for you.
The Man from Earth (2007)
Just slightly better than The Room
The acting is so incredibly bad, I can only compare it to The Room. If you haven't seen The Room, then I could also compare the acting to one of those infomercials with a fake studio audience and two overly enthusiastic hosts, one who knows nothing about the product and the other who knows everything.
It would fit perfectly as one of those early 90's after school specials.
The story is ok, nothing new, and not thought provoking like so many others are saying on here. A little bit of history mixed in with the idea that someone could live for 14000 years.
The way his friends take in his story is so unrealistic.
I'm really surprised by the high rating on here, I've seen movies with a rating of 5 stars that were not as bad as this. Usually I'll watch anything that has 4 stars and up because people are so critical now a days, but this was a big surprise.