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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Like a thanksgiving
Avengers end game was like a thanks giving turkey, the movie statisfy all of the movie fans like what kind of thing will people see and enjoy those elements were present in this movie in a tremendous manner.
I like most is this has lots of other things than the fight sequence, when putting all the super heroes one place most probably there will always we lots of fights sequences but in this movie we have everything that's the special
Super Deluxe (2019)
The director show his talent on Screen play
Every character in this film done their part tremendously as per the storyline they are awesome
When comes to screen play some body tell this feels like pulp fiction 1994. The thing is our directors are concernting on screen play now a days but we are still in lag when we compared to weatern movies screen play they did this type of screen play in 1994 itself .
Shazam! (2019)
Mark strong character is little week
Over all the movie was awesome they triying to say what if we have super powers at age of 16.
When comes to Mark strong performance it is little disappointing for all those performance in the previous this doesn't fells like it not ment for him
He acts in kick ass earlier, Mark strong was awesome in that movie
Moondravathu Kann (1993)
Manivannan's one of the best
This screen play in this picture is very tremendous.
Nowadays I saw some movies that is actually a thriller but they deviate from the concept to love scene and glamorous songs. This movie not having such thing other than that Mansur Ali kanth scenes
this movie may be inspired from Alfred Hitchcock's
Rear window
Muran (2011)
Copy of Strangers on a train
This was the alfred hitchcock. So no new about the story. But the casting was little good choice.
Shutter Island (2010)
Never the less
This movie has a linear screenplay, with misserable events around the characters. This movie portrait like a first person video game. Every time am watching the movie, I pretend to be the character of Leonardo. The casting of this movie was portrayed tremendously. Martin has projected the reality of the thoughts which we came across the dreams.