
12 Reviews
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Night Sky (2022)
Absolutely absurd
30 May 2022
Why waste two fantastic actors on this meandering piece of dreck? Not science fiction, more like a daytimes soap recommended by AARP. Well I'm trying for 100 characters to submit.
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Foundation (2021– )
Woke doublespeak
12 November 2021
Well Cupertino had to woke the Classic SF Master Asimov.. "HIS name was Gael Gornirck and HE was just a country boy..." quoting the Second Edition of The Foundation Trilogy published by Doubleday Books. Copyrights 1951. Progressive propaganda revionism.
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Drainiac! (2000 Video)
Aptly named sewage
5 December 2020
Casting call filled by obnoxious rejects from Jersey Shore. Collective talent wouldn't fill a teaspoon. Low budget sfx tries hard
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Sizzle no steak
16 August 2020
Vacuous stew of light and sound, zero calories. The electronic music was kind of cool and lotsa visual tricks but otherwise zilch
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Cure for Insomnia
16 August 2020
You could sleep a solid 24 hours before screening this pretentious doggerel of a movie and still fall into a coma thirty minutes in. This is what passes for contacting cinematic genius? Perhaps Jeff Bezos should get a refund for putting his logo on this crap.
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Phony reviews to pump the rating
26 April 2019
This is typical Godfrey Ho Mixmaster of a movie. La la la crap crap as the Bots used to sing on MST3K. It's funny after a few drinks or a toke or two.
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Meat Market 3 (2006 Video)
Below mediocre
2 March 2019
SOV crap, everybody thinks they think they can make a zombie movie.
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Retardead (2008 Video)
1 February 2019
Sad that the film preys on special needs people to advance this weak a$$ movie. 45 minutes of nothing to endure before the zombies arrive. Pathetic acting, plot (?) is barely there. Ok viewing for group laugh in as long as your equipped with intoxicants for all.
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Operation Ganymed (1977 TV Movie)
Best or worst hard SF movie ever?
27 January 2019
Conceptually a fantastic drama of deep space astronauts and the experiences they endure. But it comes up short in execution, even State made Soviet SF is more watchable. The soundtrack is absolutely awful and should in no way be a part of this film. Pacing of the action is slow and dreary. Visually looks like a 16mm film school project. Granted we have great actors in this movie, but they alone cannot save the movie. It's something that needs to be seen if only for comparison purposes.
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Puppets and teased hair
10 January 2019
OMG, what a glorious mess It's so bad that it's great
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Endure for the finale
8 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To be brief, just fast forward to the last 30 minutes for eye watering beyond belief cinematic genuis, or if you're a real masochist watch in its entirety.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Season 2 is a total waste
17 August 2018
What happened to the intense courtroom drama of Season 1? Why did our "hero" turn into a vapid skirt chaser? Why the senseless gore and gratuitous sick sexual fetish? Save your time folks, this is NOT worth watching unless amputation is your "thing"/
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