4 Reviews
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On My Block (2018–2021)
Acting is really cheesey...sorry
24 March 2019
I wanted to like this show but the acting is just too cheesey for me.
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Pretty funny
19 January 2019
It's not a work of art, but it's good for the laughs
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Total Dramarama (2018–2023)
Not the same
1 January 2019
If you liked Total Drama Island, you're not going to like this. It seems to be made less for the teens and kids who used to watch TDI, and more for younger kids who never even watched TDI before. It would've been better if they had made a runoff of the kids in middle or high school rather than daycare; that way it may've kept the same flow. Also fo some reason they added Jude from 6Teen? I guess that's becuase they couldn't really fit Chris in as a character and keep the same theme, so they just toke Jude from 6Teen since it's voiced by the same guy. It's really all over the place.
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Movie was good
4 November 2018
All the 1s and 3s you are seeing in the review section are mainly from people who don't like the fact that what this movie stated was true. Yes, it was a bit stereotypical, but was it a terrible movie? No. Not trying to play the race card, I try my best not to bring race into everything, but anytime there is a movie with a predominately black cast or a black lead, 8 times out of 10, it gets a bad rating. I don't know, maybe it's just a coincidence 🤷‍♀️
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