This will forever be my favourite Star Wars movie and I'll never understood the hate towards it. I just liked everything about it. The story, the characters, the choreography, the music, the political conflict before the Clone Wars which later led to the birth of the galactic Empire... And we even got podracing, which is like the coolest thing ever. Sorry haters, you can't convince me otherwise. Phantom Menace was and is the best.
15 Reviews
Better than the comic
30 September 2021
I've read Long Halloween 1-2 years ago, and I really liked the story, but it was never really my favourite. And the reason behind that is... TIM SALE'S ART! Yeah, I know what you think, what kind of blasphemy is this!? But yeah, I think those comics were just ugly as hell, it kinda ruined the experience for me. Now that I see this tale in motion, it's so much better! Long Halloween was destined to be adapted in this form. Some of the voice actors could have been better, but that's about it. Well done DC!
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
It was OK
25 September 2020
There were things I liked a lot and some that I didn't. I enjoyed the story on planet Vegeta, the scenes with Bardock, etc., I really want to see more stuff about the average saiyans who are not the protagonists. The animation was beautiful, but the whole fight with Broly was kinda boring and it didn't have any weight at all. I miss those brutal injuries from Dragon Ball that horrified me as a kid, but they were neccessary because you knew the fighters really pushed themselves to their limits. Now there's just punches, kicks and more punches and while they sure look good on the screen, I just couldn't take the whole thing serious. The soundtrack was very cringy, it tries to be cool soo hard, but it's really just bloody awful. I think the old DBZ Broly is far superior to DBS Broly, I liked his character a lot more too in DBZ. He was just an uncontrollable embodiment of rage, which was truly terrifying, DBS Broly is not that scary at all. Overall, I think this movie is very overhyped, it had all those things I didn't like in the DBS series, and I really wish they could just go back to the roots, before super saiyan was even a thing.
¡Mucha Lucha!
Six reviews? What the hell?
19 December 2019
Such an underrated Cartoon Network show from the past, people seem to forget about it. This is a hilarious parody of mexican wrestling, we always quoted in school and laughed on it during breaks. Characters were also unique and funny, I don't know why they stopped airing it.
Spider-Man: Far from Home
It was better than Homecoming
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself was very entertaining, I had a great time watching it, most of the issues I have I had already in Homecoming. Like M.J., who's not that M.J., because she is a completely different M.J., but people call her M.J. too, so get used to it. What's the point in that? Or the young and sexy Aunt May, who literally has no other purpose than the jokes, that everyone wants to bang her. Or the totally ruined Flash Thompson. I thought they are going to correct these things with the concept of the multiverse, I was very excited that it's finally happening, but then it just ended up as one of Mysterio's lies, which is such a ridiculously missed opportunity. Now let's talk about the pros. I think Tom Holland's overall performance was a lot more mature than in any of his previous films, and Mysterio is one of the most interesting villains of the MCU to date. I'm a huge fan of the comics and I was very pleased with Jake Gyllenhaal's portrayal. However, since I already knew the character it didn't surprised me much, that him being a hero was just an act. But I'm sure the people, who only know Marvel from the movies were like "What???". So it was fun, and a lot more memorable than Homecoming, and the post-credit scenes really got me hyped. I can't wait to see what's next!
Funny? No. Scary? Yes.
29 June 2019
It's a movie you probably not going to enjoy, because it's a painfully accurate prognosis on our future. It's already happening: Overpopulation, climate change, decrease of water, migration, etc. And while the smarter ones realize this is definitely not the time to increase the number of humans on the planet, they are outnumbered by the less intelligent ones, who don't.
Cats & Dogs
Why the low score!?
7 June 2019
How could people give such bad ratings for this? This is a kids movie, and a pretty good one in it's genre. I still enjoyed it a lot as an adult. The story is touching, the jokes are very funny, the characters are memorable and there was nothing not to like when I saw it at the age 10. Children were the target audience, so doubt no more if you want to watch this with your son/daughter. I'm sure they are going to talk about it a lot afterwards. There are spy dogs and ninja cats, what more should I say???
John Wick 2
Brainless, stupid
25 May 2019
Sometimes I felt like I'm watching cutscenes from a first person shooter. Problem is, I played FPS games with better story. There are parts where I was like, "wow, this is going to end up pretty bad very soon". Well, John Wick seemed to ignore these signs, which makes him the world's dumbest assassin. He makes amateur mistakes without reason, he might do them on purpose, maybe he hates himself and he enjoys suffering subconciously. Or maybe the writers were simply terrible. After the hype train I expected the John Wick movies to be better than most vengeance films. Well, they are actually worse. It's killing, shooting, fighting all the way through, without any meaningful parts. If there's anything they are worth watching for are the visuals, which are absolutely stunning and very professionally made, sometimes comic book-like.
Terminator Salvation
Ridiculously Underrated
23 May 2019
I saw every Terminator movie and while Judgement Day is obviously number one, Salvation is a strong second on my list. Yes, I agree, Christian Bale as John Connor was a miscast. But the story, the acting, and everything else was so good, that I just didn't care. The movie is also very well done visually, I don't know what more people want. And I was actually glad, that Arnold himself wasn't in the movie. Don't get me wrong I like him a lot. But Terminator can be good without him, and this movie was the proof. The CGI Arnold T800 was actually scary, and that was all the Arnold this film needed. I'm sad that Cameron decided to ignore this masterpiece, and that so many people seem to hate it.
The Big Lebowski
You need to see the world through the Dude's eyes
11 May 2019
To enjoy this film you need to have a little bit of that hippie mentality. The people who doesn't get why this movie is great are the ones who lacks that. The Dude is a simple person with simple needs and he's just fine the way he is. His life is not about money, or chasing the american dream, to get a family, an expensive car, or to be that successful man in the suit. And it's all cool man. He has his own code of living. He should be a life coach imo, because he has nothing, but still has everything he needs. Especially that rug, that tied the room together...
DC is on the right track
4 May 2019
First of all, I want to tell how much I hate Zack Snyder for what he did to Batman, Superman, Flash and so on. I'd also like to tell that I'm one of the few, who doesn't like the Dark Knight trilogy and how it's being praised, while Nolan clearly gave us a false, distorted version of the characters. Shazam is the live action DC movie I've been waiting for, it's one of the most respectful adaptations I've ever seen. It's very true to the source material from Geoff Johns, and the changes they did only made the movie better, and didn't serve the crazy, selfish visions of some moronic director. Shazam was actually made to please the fans of this amazing, lovely hero and they did a great job! It's funny, exciting, touching, it's everything I wanted it to be and even more. Casting Zachary Levi was a great choice, he really nailed the character, but all the actors did a very decent job. I can't wait for the sequel with Black Adam!
The Mask
It made me read the comics
2 May 2019
The Mask is a character you will never forget, and Jim Carrey was perfect for the role. It's simply one of the best movies based on comic books, I don't understand why did it get such a low score. It's also one of the best comedies of the 90s, you just can't go wrong with it.
Modern Family
29 April 2019
This show didn't get my attention first when I saw it on Comedy Central, but once I started watching it from the first episode I fell in love with it. The characters are great, the script is full of absurd and cringy situations, the writers are brilliant. And I like how Ed O'Neill's character, Jay is so different from Al Bundy. If you're looking for an actually funny comedy experience with lot's of laughs, look no more, you found it.
Avengers: Endgame
Lovely, but full of plot holes.
26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As others said, the time travel part just stinks. I still enjoyed it, I laughed on the jokes, there were moments where I nearly cried, and others that made me clap with all along the audience. But overall the who whole story is quite an illogical mess. There's the saying "they bit more than they can chew". This is exactly what happened, they tried to fill all their previous movies into one and it could actually work, if they just fixed the time travel part. But they didn't, and I left the theatre with full of unanswered questions. Too bad, because there were so many good ideas, emotions, and great acting.
How could critics give such a high score to this garbage? We can't trust reviews anymore.
24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Dumb writing with full of plot holes. The moment when Leia started flying in outer space I was about to stand up and leave the cinema. And how could they not tell us who Snoke was? Where did he come from? Did the Emperor know about him? If he did why didn't he kill him (rule of two)? Who trained him? How did he become the "supreme leader"? Puppet Yoda in 2017 was painful to watch, this is not the 70's anymore and not even Muppet Show. They even fixed him later with CGI in The Phantom Manace. Rey should have teamed up with Kylo so the next movie could have avoid to be a total disaster. Fin should have died a meaningful death, guess Diesney wants to sell his action figures for a longer time. Even the animation series are better than this movie.
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