
46 Reviews
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Lee (2023)
Just give Kate the Oscar
27 October 2024
It has been quite a long time since a world war two movie gripped me so well. What a great story and an agent greater character.

The acting is top noch, the pace of the film is good, the characters are really well brought and all are interesting. I was a bit in doubt about the inclusion of Andy Samberg, but he ended up being very well cast. The definive star of this film is Miss Kate Winslet though. What an amazing performance. She is convincing from start to finish and well deserves an Oscar nomination for this role. Maybe even the Oscar itself. The film is definitely worth watching. I highly recommend it.
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The Union (2024)
Just not what it could have been
20 August 2024
There is enough action to merit a 5 star rating. Maybe a 5.5, but that's it. There just isn't any chemistry between Wahlberg and Berry. They are also the only to actors in the film dat give a half decent performance. The rest is just sub par.

If you hav eto hours to spend, you can giove it a go, but you're never getting the time back. The story is flimsy at best, the dialogue is just not very good and the whole film just seems rushed and flawed.

All in all this is what back in teh day would have been a straight to VHS movie. One that when it's on TV you wactch for a little while and the zap away when the commercial break starts and then you forget to switch back.
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Entertaining enough
30 December 2023
I thought the film was alot better than some say here. It is truely a first episode introducing the characters and the world's. Yes it could have been better, but all in all I was entertained enough to give this a 7. The acting fine, the story interesting and the production value is good. The franchise deserves a good part two before we give a final judgement. I have hope that it will be good. So all in all check it out for yourself and give it a chance until the second part is on Netflix before final judgement. I enjoyed the film and the characters and I hope you will enjoy it also. And now ten more characters for the minimum limit;-)
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What If...? (2021–2024)
24 August 2021
I don't understand the crap ratings people are giving. I quite enjoy it so far. It may stupid, but it is also good fun.
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Waste of time
1 August 2021
Boring love story. Stupid dialogue. The only thing this film has going is showing how life in Russia was in the eighties. So have look for 15 miniutes and then shut this crap off and never watch it again.
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Good fun. Better then the first film
26 July 2021
I really don't understand the low rating people are giving. This second installment is funnier, faster paced and just all round better than the first.

I laughed and laughed. It's exactly what a summer blockbuster needs to be. If you are up for some fast paced action and fun. This is your film.
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Great fun
8 April 2021
Fast paced fun ride. Finally a monster smash that gives! Great effects, awesome destruction. Exactly what it should be.
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Young Guns (1988)
One of the best westerns
29 March 2021
A 10 might be too much, but still... One of the best westerns ever made. Great cast at the beginning of their careers. Good pace. A classic.
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What a film
24 March 2021
What an incredible film. Had the chance to see it at the cinema today. This deserves a big screen and loud sound. What a great experience.
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Cringe and more cringe
23 March 2021
Three stars. Just to make you doubt how bad this is so you watch anyway.
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In the end... A story about nothing
1 March 2021
Acting is not bas at all. Story is boring though. Wants to be a clever and interesting film. Just doesn't quite pull it off. A slight waste of time.
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Teen-agers Groundhog Day done rather well
15 February 2021
It's a teen film. Yes. It's also rather entertaining, well acted and never gets corny or too predictable. Essentially it is Groundhog Day with two people experiencing the time loop. But that is fine. If done well enough it could or maybe should be a genre. Give it a go.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Not very good. Not very good at all.
10 February 2021
If you have nothing else to do and want some action and a little suspens you might actually enjoy this. That said... The acting is mediocre especially from the ones you expect to be good --- ahum Mister Oldman... The story is ok, the dialogue is pathetic and the interaction between Butler and the Russian captain is forced to apease the storyline. The film could and should have been much better and is saved by a moderatly satisfying ending. All in all a piece of crap, but as crap goes there is worse.
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Unlocked (I) (2017)
Well done spy movie
25 January 2021
The story, the plot, the acting. All above par. Raw and entertaining. Just over 1.5 hours this is a fil lm that deserves your time.
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A mess
26 December 2020
This movie is not very good. I really wanted it to be, but the acting is poor and the story is even worse. It makes no sense. It's pretty to look at, but far to slow to entertain. In the end all I could think was why did they even bother. Skip through it with a remote control, don't waste 2.5 hours in a cinema for this.
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Fatman (2020)
What a waste of time
24 December 2020
Crap acting, stupid story. What a waste of time. Do yourself a favour and watch anything else.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Very enjoyable
19 November 2020
After reading all the recommendations here, I watched it. Very enjoyable. Good action, good story, hope more will follow.
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Greenland (2020)
Predictable with a hint of stupid
15 November 2020
One stupid moment after another. Watchable, but if the choice is this or another movie. Go with the other.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
For children.. predictable yet amusing
2 October 2020
No spoilers here. If you are twelve you might enjoy this. If you are older you might be amused. Far from great. Very predictable. Well made and acted. Although Sherlock didn't feel like a Sherlock.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Entertaining, shocking and funny
31 August 2020
Give it go. Well made, shocking, violent and funny. I am worried for season two.
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Tenet (2020)
26 August 2020
Loved every second. What a mind boggling action packed gem! Will have to see it again. Robert Pattinson is amazing. Elizabeth Debicki shines. The Protagonist is great and even Kenneth Brannagh is very good. And I usually am just annoyed by his presence. No spoilers here, but be sure to see this on a big screen with good sound. Maybe go watch it yesterday.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Good nasty and dark vibe all through the film
5 August 2020
Had me on the edge of my seat. Maybe predictable, but enough surprises to keep it more than entertaining. Crowe is a very nasty bad guy. Well done. The whole film has a nasty anxious vibe which is great. Definitely worth you while.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Action packed violent and enjoyable
30 July 2020
Entertaining and violent in a messy enjoyable fast paced way. Acting was fine and good. Except for Common. He should remain a TV actor. But all in all well worth your time.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Good fun
7 July 2020
It is a teen girl show. Keep that in mind. It is pretty violent. The fight scenes are good. All in all very entertaining. A bit predictable. But I won't spoil. Give it a go. Good fun.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Not worth your 2.5 hours
21 June 2020
3 stars for effort. The dialogue is so bad, the movie is boring and full of lessons for the white man. What a waste.
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